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Dear Alexander,

By the time you get this, I will have been dead for some time.

I wrote this after finding out that the tumor in my brain was going to end up killing me. I instructed Mason to send this to you after he stopped mourning me, which is why I have no clue when you will be reading this. Heck, you could be dead and your son could be the one reading. In that case, hello Trevor.

Anyways, back to business. My head hurts and I don't know how much longer I will be able to write.

I figured you would like a little bit of an explanation of why I did why I did. Why I killed those people. Technically, I owe you an explanation since you did in fact figure out my motive.

I guess since you know why I did it, I should tell you more what led up to that becoming my motive...what happened with Claire...

I hope you find this enlightening, or at least interesting. I wish you luck in your endeavors.



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