Journal entry #4

51 12 1

April 27th, 2020

I would say I'm glad that Ben is back home, but I'm not sure I can.

Ever since last night, when he arrived, things have been much worse. Zak was feeling a little better, though he didn't look it (he's probably lost ten pounds somehow), so he was downstairs when Ben got here.

As soon as our brother opened the door, this look of, I don't know, horror, came over Zak's face. He retreated to his room.

At dinner, my dad (a little forcefully) made Zak come to the table, though we all knew he wasn't going to eat anything. Zak sat by Ben (not his choice) and was stiff as a board. His hands were clenched so hard I thought his knuckles would dislocate.

Then, out of nowhere, I don't even know if Ben had said something wrong, Zak shot out of his chair and punched Ben right in the jaw!

Ben fell out of his chair. People were screaming, but Zak jumped on Ben and started to pummel him. I managed to pull him off with the help of my dad, and we kicked him back in his room, where he could be heard pacing quickly for hours.

Ben is okay now, thank goodness. He has some big bruises, but it could have been worse. I got an elbow to the ear, but that should heal relatively quickly.

My mom sent me to Zak with some sleeping pills, which took a while to get into him. When he finally did take them, he got this weird look on his face, like he had an idea.

I didn't like it...

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