Journal entry #3

57 11 0

April 25, 2020

Things are getting bad.

Still no news of Claire. They're putting up flyers all over town and the cities nearby. Her parents have been interviewed on TV. They're saying she's been taken.

This hasn't been good for Zak. He won't eat, hardly sleeps, and is starting to spike a fever. He been mumbling nonsense, though I've been able to catch Ben's name once or twice.

Mom and dad, obviously, are worried sick. They want to take him to the doctor, but every time they mention it Zak will scream for them to get out of his room. I'm thinking they'll have to call a doctor to come here.

I've been texting Ben about everything that's been happening. He's thinking about flying back down here sometime in the next couple of days, as soon as he can get off work.

I'm scared for my brother.

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