Journal entry #6

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We got back home from the hospital lay night around nine. Since then, Zak had done nothing but sleep.

My parents spend a lot of time locked in their bedroom, just talking to one another. They seem to have overlooked the fact that one of their children is in the same situation as them.

Zak isn't just their son. He's my brother.

*  *  *

Zak woke up at noon today. I know that because I had been sitting on the edge of his bed for two hours at that point.

When he woke up, he didn't look at me. He just started at the wall, unmoving.

I tried to talk to him several times, but I couldn't get him to say anything.

I want him to tell me what made him do what he did...and if there was anything that I could've some to help him.

Surely something terrible had happened to bring him to do such a thing. There was no other explanation.

I doubt that Claire disappearing caused this. He would have wanted to stay alive until she got back or was found. What he tried to do doesn't make sense.,and because of that, I'm not going to leave my brother's side until I get an explanation.

I will not give up on my brother.

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