Journal entry #1

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April 17th, 2020

Being back home is SO boring. I'm thinking about inviting a few friends from school up to have a party sometime. It's hard to believe that I've only been home a week. It's feels like an eternity.

In other news, Zak's girlfriend is missing. They're thinking she ran off or something, which makes no sense. Zak took her on a hike, so he says, and he told the police that he came out of the bathroom to find her gone.

I'm not sure I buy it. Where could she have gone? No one would have taken her. Sure, you could see her as pretty, but with that scar on her face it's hard to believe she would be taken for that.

Don't get me wrong, I feel bad for Zak. He's been moping around the house for days. Now that I think about it, he locked himself in his room last night and hasn't come out since.

I'm sure he will get over it soon.

*  *  *

AN: these journal entries, for the most part, will be shorter than regular chapters, but will be updated more often because of that

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