Journal entry #7

82 10 3

Something's wrong.

Obviously, I should be talking about how my brother almost died and has since been recovering, but I'm not.

I keep walking by his bedroom and can hear him talking. Our parents are making him keep the door open,  so it isn't that hard.

What he's been saying hasn't been making any sense. It's not gibberish, per say, but it's this muttering that I don't understand. He sometimes sounds like he's having an argument, but nobody has been in there...

I walked in on him earlier. He was sitting on his bed, staring at this chess piece, a pawn, that he keeps on his bookshelf across the room. He told me that it had moved by itself. I told him he needed sleep.

I hope he goes back to normal soon. I want my brother back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2017 ⏰

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