Letter 2

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So there you have it. You know the truth about Claire, or at least most of it.

I stayed there, by her side, for over an hour. I cried, called her name, but nothing could bring her back.

For some reason, I thought that I would be arrested if I brought her back dead and explained what happened. It didn't occur to me that her slipping on the rocks wasn't my fault in the least bit. This marks the begin of what, I guess you would call, my 'spiral into madness'.

Anyways, I returned home and, for days, was in a sort of daze. I didn't say much of anything. Eventually, Claire's absence was noticed. Police came to my house to talk to me. I'm guessing that you know what I told them, since you interviewed the guy that led the case.

I don't remember much from the next few weeks except massive headaches, dizziness, and the feeling of paranoia looming over me whenever I was awake.

Luckily for you, I wasn't living alone and Mason still lives with his habits developed as a child. I swiped his journal and tore out some of the pages, which I have enclosed with these letters. I hope you find my brother's account...educational.



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