Journal entry #5

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April 28th, 2020

Zak tried to kill himself last night.

I found him unconscious in bed this morning, vomit on his face and clothes, next to two empty pill bottles (belonging to my parents).

I'm sitting in the hospital waiting room now with Ben. My parents are talking with the doctors.

They don't know if he's going to be okay yet or not.

I'm scared.

We've been through so much, my brother and I. I can't imagine life without him. He's my best friend.

My parents are coming back. They don't look happy, but my mom isn't crying anymore.


Zak's going to be okay.

I told them about his headaches, but they are dismissing them as stress-related, which makes sense I guess.

They're going to keep him in the hospital for two weeks to make sure he doesn't try anything again.

I don't know what to think. He's never acted like this, not even when my biological father was living with us. Not when he...well, you know. I've written all about what happened when we were kids. He was always the strong one.

I guess now it's my turn.

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