Next time you tag me. Remember I don't like it...

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Soooooo hello everyone.
Having a nice day? I hope so

Basically... someone who shall not be named tagged me, again.
I, you see, do not like been tagged. This shall be the last time I do the tag.


1. Must list all the rules
2. Must tag 13 people (screw that I am doing 1 very special person...)
3. Just create 13 unique questions for the people tagged
4. Must some shizz bout answering the questions in a unique way...
5. Must answer every question because if not your a spoilsport!

Questions I received:

How's your WiFi?
Pretty good usually except for the thunder storm that is getting near...

Sociopath, psychopath or none?
Surprisingly none... I have a Fwend who's a psychopath!!

Do you believe the truth is out there?
You lost me, truth bout what? If your talking about what happened to my bag I kept my sunglasses in I would say the dog ate it (true story...) that the truth you mean?

You see a cute boy/girl and immediately feel emotions for them. You see someone start talking to them as if there a couple. What do you do?
Hope the girl/guy they're with is a nice person and that they make them happy and move on.

Is my cat cute?
Yes, when you gonna post more pictures??

Name my turtle.

Creepypasta or nah
Ehhhhh... Me no comprendo...

Favourite colour.... Mwahahahahahahahah
The colour of my jumper

Fave fandom?
Look at the books I have written and tell me what my favourite fandom is...

Some chemical that I have yet to know the name of. I have found it in perfume and washing detergent... mystery...

Opinions on Facebook?
Got bord of it when people stopped talking and started sharing photos of cats and TAGGING each other.

Have you been to a wedding? If so, how was it?
Not yet, I'm going to be bridesmaid at my sister's wedding in July. It's cool cause I get a nice dress and chocolate but FUDGE YOU SIS FOR MAKING ME WEAR HIGH HEALS, MAKEUP AND STOP BITING MY NAILS. Ahem, I didn't say anything...

Cats vs. lasers. who wins?
I think the cats win on a level of determination!

Now for the one person I shall tag, they know why they have been tagged so don't complain cause you had it coming br3nnnnn!!!
Now for your questions... I did 'Would you Rather' questions cause they fun...
I won't deny I wanted to make this hard so I googled these... Enjoy these awkward questions!

1. Would you rather 'have pubic hair for teeth' or 'teeth for pubic hair'?

2. Would you rather 'shit bricks' or 'puke slugs'

3. Would you rather 'Have no knees' or 'no elbows'

4. Would you rather 'Eat a bowl of poo once' or 'Have explosive diarrhoea for the rest of your life?'

5. Would you rather 'have something in your eye' or 'need to sneeze but never be able to, for a year'

6. Would you rather 'Be a dragon' or 'Have a dragon'

7. Would you rather 'kiss a goat, but no one would know' or 'not kiss a goat but everyone would think you did'

8. Would you rather 'Always have to say everything on your mind' or 'need speak again'

9. Would you rather 'Be able to turn invisible' or 'be able to fly'

10. Would you rather 'Be 3 feet taller' or '3 feet shorter'

11. Would you rather 'have 1 wish granted now' or '3 wishes granted in ten year'

12. Would you rather 'Speak every language in the world fluently' or 'be the best in he world of one subject of your choosing'

13.Would you rather 'Be naked in Antarctica' or 'Wear a snow suit in the Sahara desert'

Bonus question:

What did you think of these 'Would you Rather' questions?

And that is the questions for br3nnnnn
I only tagged her but in you want you can leave your answers in the comments down bellow. Not obligatory cause some of these are hard! Well that my opinion anyway.
Next chapter will be Chapter 3 of the book. Don't worry!

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