Magcon Sex Toy

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I woke up to the sound of talking downstairs. It was I walked downstairs with butterflys in my stomach. I stood at the bottom of the stairs and stared at someone that looked WAY to familiar to miss. "Hey aren't Dallas. Right?" I asked.

"'s up." He tried to whisper.

"Um mom what is Cameron Dallas doing here?"

"Sweetie I wasn't going to tell you this but..." She said with disappointment.


"Sweetie...Im...Im selling you."


"Is this some sort of prank? Oh! Is today April fools? I got go plan my prank!"

"No. Im not joking sweetie."

"Ok so Im starting so think you aren't kidding?"
See, thats the think about me. I dont play around. Im ganna see if your lieing or not when you tell me something. Oh and btw my name is Gabby Gray. GG. Or whatever you wanna call me.

"Im not. Go upstairs and pack everything please."

I did what she said and laughed and rolled my eyes STILL thinking it was a joke. I went upstairs and packed everything I had. I walked downstairs and my mom was crying. Ha. Fake tears. Then I started thinking why the hell would my mom have Cameron Dallas pull a prank on me? How much was she paying him. We dont have THAT much money. I walked up to my mom,"Goodbye love. I'll miss you." She said crying.

"Bye mom."
Cameron took my hand and led me to his Ferrari,"Nice car!" I said.

"Oh this. This isn't mine. Its Taylor's."

"Oh. But I still love it."

He laughed
I opened the shiny black door and sat on the leather seat. We arrived at this giant building that said 'MagCon' So not only was my mom "selling" me to Cameron Dallas but to Magcon. THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME. Me and Cameron walked in and I saw Jacob Sartorius, Taylor Caniff, Aaron Carpenter, Hunter and Brandon Rowland, and Blake Gray a sitting around a table looking sad. I leaned towards Cameron,"Did someone die?"

"No. Just sit down and be quite."

But tell me one thing, why are boys so fucking rude? I walked over to the table and sat between Hunter and Jacob. "We have something to tell you." Aaron said.

"Alright. Well go on." I said impatiently.

"Your slave." Cameron said.

Do you know how old I am? Im 13. Almost 14. SOME OF THE GUYS IN HERE ARE IN THEIR FUCKING 20'S.
My mouth dropped and my eyes opened WIDE. I looked at my phone 'May 2nd' nowhere near April.

Shit. Well there goes my day.

(Hi so im editing the story to if it looks different then yea.)

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