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Shit. Brandon got me sick.


Gabby was so beautiful. I wanted to ask her out really badly but any of the boys had a better chance then me, Jacob saggytits. Ugh.


I woke up this morning and picked out of my suitcase:

I woke up this morning and picked out of my suitcase:

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Minus the shoes, white convers instead.
I was putting my top on and Jacob walked in. I had no bra on. I covered my boobs,"Oh my god Im so sorry Gabby."

He closed the door and left.


Damn it. I always mess up when I try to impress a girl. I mess up at everything. She's never ganna want to date me.


I walked out of my room and saw Jacob. I've never liked him more. I have no idea why but I liked him alot right now. I stared at him,"Um...Gabby are you ok?" He asked.

"What? Oh um...yea!" I stuttered.

I was so embarrassed, I ran to my room and locked the door.


I wanted to ask Gabby out now. I walked to her door and nocked
She opened the door,"Come in." She said.

I walked in,"Gabby I want to ask you something really badly. Will you be my girlfriend?"


I stood there in fear. Did he really just ask me out? I didn't know how to answer,"Um...uh..." i said.

I was so awkward,"I would love to." I blurted out.

But I liked that.

"Cool." He smiled.

He put his hands around my waist and we touched foreheads,"I have something to tell you Gabby. "


"Im not going to be at Magcon anymore beacuse of my new song."


My eyes filled with tears
"Im sorry Gabby bu-"


I started crying. He hugged me. A few seconds later my phone started ringing it was my mom. I answered as fast as I could,

Hi sweetie.
Why'd you call?
I want to take you back.
Yea just me, you, and your brother in Virginia.
Oh my god mom this is great!
I know sweetie.
But what about the money Cameron gave you.
I still have it all. I didn't know what to do with it.
I ripped up the contract too.
I love you mom.
I love you too. So you wanna come home?
I would love too.
Ok. Bye

"What was that about?"

"Im moving back I with my mom!"

"Oh my god that great Gabby!"

"But how will we see each other?"

"Where do you live."



"What street?"

"Charleston rode."

"I live in Laguna. That only a block away!"

We hugged. Cam walked in,"Hey guys what are doing?"

"We started dating." I said.

"That's great! But how are you going to see Jacob if he not going to be in Magcon anymore?"

"Im moving back in with my mom in Virginia."


We all hugged. I am so happy.

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