Chapter One

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A/N- This was originally supposed to be a modern story but I had to divert it to the 1700's because most of my fans wanted another historical fiction like "The Heiress", so here it is. I really hope to make this a short story and I hope I stick to a short one now. "Chuckles" Do enjoy reading.

I assure you that this story is going to be worth your time and with more erotic scenes to go with. I really don't have ample knowledge about the British people but I think the little I have watched and read about should do.

Actually, it's supposed to be in my draft but I can't turn down the inspiration that suddenly overwhelmed me to write this and I want my lovely readers to see it. Thanks for giving this story a try, even though I have many unfinished stories to attend to and finish up. But the response and urges I get on this chapter will encourage me to continue and even though I get none, I'll continue nonetheless because I love writing. I'll really pleased if I get as much votes and comments, it means a lot to me. Thanks.

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"No, no... I don't want to...I can't...please, no..." Lorraine helplessly implored as she continued sobbing but her maid felt helpless as she did.

Her eyes glistened with more impending tears threatening to spill at any moment and her long eyelashes felt moist and heavy. Her beautiful face was streaked with dried and wet tears and the skin around her eyes was red and puffy which indicated that she had been crying for so long. She sniffled, her head hung down and she could barely see the material of her resplendent gown through the tears that blurred her sight. 

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