Chapter Four

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Lorraine tried to stay calm and also tried not to think about what had just transpired between her and lord Dominic. She suddenly felt the heat; it was as if she was suffocating gradually in the hall which all of a sudden felt crowded to her, but she knew it was not because of the crowded hall; she was oozing heat from within.

His words although had upset her, it had excited her all the same. She tried to fan herself but remembered she had come with none. She glanced back towards the dancefloor where she had left Lord Dominic and realized that he was gone and the music had also changed with new dancers or with new partners occupying the dancing floor.

She craned her neck to the sides, trying to search for him in the ballroom but it was as if he had vanished into thin air. She sighed heavily with mixed feelings. And even though he was fun to be with, the man had no leash on his tongue which would eventually get him into trouble if he wasn't careful and spoke the wrong words to the wrong lady. She was still scouring the ballroom with her eyes for him when her view was obstructed and when she shifted her gaze to who was standing in front of her, her heart skipped a bit when she realized that it was Louise and her friends.

"After such guts yet she seeks him out with her eyes," one of the ladies stated bitterly.

"She's obviously no lady of moral as one would think," another spat.

"One who would stab her cousin in the back in the matters where men are concerned." Louise spat.

Lorraine watched them insult her and she tried to defend herself. "All I did was dance with him."

"You do crave to fall in his arms like the rest of us wish, you little deceitful slut with no morals!" The first one hissed.

"Your betrayal will not be forgotten in a hurry!" Louise snapped then pointed at Lorraine's neckline and chest. "I believe that ribbon is mine."

Lorraine looked down at the ribbon the maid had used to hold the chest and neckline in an obvious and appealing decoration. "You asked that I dispose of it, you didn't want it anymore."

"I didn't realize how new it still looks...well, I want it now." Louise stretched an open hand towards her with a smirk.

Lorraine's eyes widened in shock, she knew what would happen if Louise took back the ribbon. "Louise, I can simply have it returned when we get home...please not now." She implored.

"No!" Louise said stiffly "I want it here and now! Let me have it!" Before Lorraine could say any more words, Louise reached over and snapped the end of the ribbon then yanked. The ribbon kept snapping out of place until it partially ripped open the front dress of Lorraine who could only watch in great shock, her hands flying to her chest to hold her dress in place as Louise finally ripped the ribbon completely off. "Now, I have what's mine." She said with a pleased sigh while her friends snickered.

Lorraine could hardly hold up her torn dress in place as it threatened to fall open and reveal her chest to the public. "Courtesy demands that you do not come to balls wearing other people's trash!" The second girl said.

"Or have you no shame that you attend a ball half-naked in order to entice all the men, both the married and the single and fill their eyes with your sorry sight?" The first one piped in and all three laughed in unison.

With her eyes glassy with tears and unable to bear it anymore, Lorraine dashed up the closest stairs, her hand still clutching the fabric at her chest as she hurried out of the ball and ran into the night, sobbing. The girls smiled in triumph and set about to give their attention to the willing men of their choice who would surely want to dance with them. Lorraine looked around. It was dark but the moon was up and bright.

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