Chapter Five

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Dominic pressed his body against hers and took a long sniff from the side of her neck and hair then pulled back and said: "I wonder which I like best, the cheap perfume against your skin or your simplicity."

"You are a rake and you'll unhand me this instant or I shall scream!" Lorraine warned, getting more nervous and agitated.

He cocked a brow. "Seriously?" He said. "What explanations have you got to offer whoever comes along? On why you are seen in my aunt's orchard with a torn dress and a man without a shirt pressing so intimately against you, what do you think would be the first impression about you or the judgment from such a sight tendered? A standing ovation? Nah, I don't think so." He clicked his tongue. "Tongues will wag and no man will call at your doorstep."

"Heaven knows I'm innocent of whatever lies you might be scheming in that devilish mind of yours! I won't have you tarnish my reputation and neither will you have your way with me!" She retorted.

He scoffed. "You shouldn't really be worried about the impression our situation might create in the mind of others, Ruth, you should be worried about what I've in store for you." He said slyly and she increased her efforts in trying to wrench herself free from his arms and body. "Easy, easy there... We don't want more of this lovely dress ripping, do we? I'll let you go on one condition though..." He flinched a brow at her when she slowly stopped struggling to listen to him. "Only if you offer me what I asked of you at the ball." He completed.

"You bastard!" She spat and suddenly continued her struggle.

"You shouldn't be so rude to a Duke; you know? You never can tell what fate might befall you with such insolence!"

"You are not a man of honour or a Duke that deserves respect!" She grated. "Your shameless debauchery makes me want to spit on you!"

He paused. "You seem to forget your predicament, that you are deep in the orchard alone, all by yourself with me, and with little or no effort, I could shred your virtue right here on the lush grass with the moon shining on the perspiration that's secreted at the expense of the promising pleasure you definitely have to offer?" He said gruffly, the humour that once lingered in his eyes, gone.

Her eyes widened in shock and in dread of his words. "You dare threaten to defile me?" She hissed, her eyes narrowing in fury. "Just who in God's name do you think you are?!"

"A man who always gets what he wants!" He said stiffly. He glanced down at her torn neckline that revealed her corset. "We needn't fumble too much with the material; I assure you that I know my way around these things..." He gestured with his chin at her clothing. "I could find my way in and out in a blink of an eye if you'd just stay still."

"You are less than an animal!" She hissed, understanding his meaning. "I won't be on your shameful list of the women whose thighs you have graced; I intend to make a difference!"

He squeezed her ass the more and she flinched, getting redder in the face. "I could go underneath all those fabrics instead and I can bet on it that once I have my tongue nestled within your folds, you'll only grab my hair and urge me on. Should we bet on it?" He challenged her with his lusty eyes.

Without thinking, she pulled her hand up and back and struck him across the face, and the swift motion swiftly jerked his face sideways. She was breathing hard now in anger as she watched him remain that way for a moment or two as if digesting the effects of her slap. She was suddenly frightened as she saw the anger spread on his face and saw his jaws flex and his nostrils flared as he slowly turned to look at her again with dark eyes that promised nothing but revenge. "You hit me." He suddenly said coldly as if in disbelief that she would have struck him at all.

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