Chapter Seven

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"I can't... I can't... He is horrible!" She sobbed to the maid. "He touched me! Against my wish!" She said, disgusted.

"Shrrr!" The maid tried to console her, stroking her hair. "They'll hear you!"

"I don't care!" She snapped. "I don't want him! Talk to Aunt Veronica not to give me over!" She pleaded plaintively and apprehensively.

The maid sighed wearily. "I'm sorry but I can't, dear. I'm but a maid who has no say in matters such as these! I wish I could help but I'm as helpless as you are, Lorraine." She explained, feeling sorry for the child. "Just stop crying, child, it wouldn't solve a thing but only make your aunt veronica very mad at you."

The door flung open and Aunt Veronica stepped in as if on cue. "You yet cry!" She said stiffly. "You should be glad and yet you cry like a little whimpering whelp!" She spat in disgust.

Lorraine jolted to her feet, sniffling and wringing her fingers, her eyes, cast down, afraid of her aunt. "He touched me." She whined tentatively. Aunt Veronica paused in surprise. "He forcefully put a finger in me."

"The libertine!" Aunt Veronica hissed under her breath and Lorraine felt a little surge of hope that her aunt might change her mind but the hope instantly perished when Aunt Veronica said instead. "How lucky I'm that I never consented to his wanting Louise! The corrupt cretin!" She then focused on Lorraine now. "Well, it's a good thing that you have to be the one to go with him. I'm glad he likes you!"

"But I don't want him!" Lorraine wailed helplessly. "I don't love him!"

"You are in no place to decide what you want!" Her aunt fired back. "By the law that binds me to you through relation, I'm your guardian and chaperone and I alone know and will decide what's best for you, Lorraine and talking about love..." She snorted. "Of what use is love in being a marchioness so easily! You don't have to love him, you just have to be a good wife, live a contented life and bear him children! That's all that's required of you! Nothing more!"

Lorraine slumped back down on the chair in resolution. "I'd rather die than marry him!"

"And you will marry him!" Her aunt said as a matter of fact.

"But he's no gentleman!" She protested.

"That I'm aware of, but who needs a gentleman when he's got wealth?!" She said then gritted. "Listen here, you little ungrateful fool! I'm giving you a better choice and chance at life and you will throw it all away because you quest for a gentleman to love?! You are a nobody! Just a silly orphan with no title! You will marry Lord Lansbury and become a marchioness, thereby making me proud or I'll find you a worst possible suitor ever so you can leave like the pauper you are! A nobody of worth!"

Lorraine wanted to haul words back at her aunt and yell that if she was so desperate for titles and wealth why didn't she just give out one of her obnoxious daughters to marry lord Lansbury instead but she remained quiet and only sulked. "Now, you listen and listen good," Aunt Veronica went on, "You will not defy me because I'll break you before you drag my name through the mud. Lord Lansbury has proposed to marry you in a fortnight and you have been invited to live as a guest with him for a week so you two can get to know each other better." Lorraine gaped at her aunt in shock. "Your cousin, Elizabeth has offered to accompany and give you company and comfort for the week you are to be at the Lansbury's and I expect you to be at your best behaviour there and to be of utmost politeness and act couth!" She stated.

"But I can't possibly-" Lorraine started to protest but was rudely interrupted.

"Shut that silly mouth of yours!" Bawled Aunt Veronica. "I have spoken and that's final! You leave early on the morrow, the Lansbury castle is a long way from here, so get some rest." Without another word, she turned and exited the room without closing the door.

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