Chapter Three

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"Amazing that you slip into prayer right in the middle of a ball." His voice startled her and her eyes flew open at that moment. She turned to look at him and his features were clearer from up close. "Do you find refuge by the plant from a lewd lord or you simply are bidding your time for the right gentleman to come along?" He turned his gaze towards the dancefloor again.

Lorraine hesitated and nervously fiddled with her fingers against her skirt. "Pardon me, sir, but I know not what you speak off." Lorraine couldn't quite tell if he was talking to her.

A sly smile lifted the corner of his lips but he didn't tear his eyes from the dancefloor. "Anyone ever told you how indecorous it is to openly gape at a man and a stranger at that? It could earn you quite some nasty names from your peers and from the old tale-bearers who tag themselves mothers but also surreptitiously harbour lewd desires of theirs."

Lorraine glanced around and sure noticed the disapproving eyes of some women fixated on her. "I beg you to find yourself another company, dear sir...I do not like the disturbing criticism of what is to come if you linger any longer by my side." She muttered to him.

He seemed unfazed and was rather an intrepid man despite his despicable reputation. "Do you worry that my being seen with you might sully your innocent reputation? Well, it might be quite unfair on my part not to yield to your request and not to put a little dent in your reputation simply because I wish to be acquainted with you. You may ask anything else of me, but to leave your side as you have requested, I apologize, milady, but I shall not; for I, myself, could do with some company of worth, while I wait."

She hesitated, still not bold enough to look him in the eyes, although, she admired his outspokenness. "I fear so... A good lady shouldn't be seen with your sorts, lest she wishes to invoke the wrath of the society."

He smiled, revealing the perfect teeth she knew he had. "So, what have you heard of me so far that makes you dread my presence so?"

She shook her head. "Rumours, but it's best not to be uttered from my lips."

"I shall hurt you not... My curiosity though has gotten the best of me in two ways if I must say." He was aware that she didn't understand the implied meaning of his last sentence, for she was not even close to being extravagantly dressed like most of her peers present at the ball, but she was unique in her own way despite having such a simple appearance. Her round hips were quite pronounced in her dress, and the sight of her from up close only inflamed his interest in her.

Lorraine pursed her lips, unaware of the wild thoughts running through his mind at that moment. "I'd rather ask a question though." She said, trying to get a bit comfortable with him despite the stares she felt were searing into her.

He intently observed her the more and was pleased with what he saw. Although she was still tensed, she was also the curious sort and her cheeks tinged a bit as she mustered the courage to ask: "How true is it that you grace the beds of even the married?"

He threw his head back and gave a good-naturedly laugh and Lorraine earned for herself more displeased looks from her peers who were curious about if he found her funny and appealing and they wondered what she had said that had caused him to laugh. "Where did you hear that from?" He inquired.

She hesitated, contemplating whether to tell him that she had heard it from Louise and her friends but she decided against it; she wasn't a snitch. "It's just some rumour known to most."

He studied her intently for a moment as if trying to read her countenance. "And from the look of things, you enjoy wallowing in rumours, don't you?"

She gave a subtle shrug of her shoulder and replied. "Forgive me, sir, but as the saying goes, there's always an iota of truth in every rumour."

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