Chapter Twelve

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Lady Marla stared out of the window, her cheeks rosy with anticipation. She couldn't wait to have Lord Lansbury join her. She glanced down at herself again and sighed in content. The outfit Lady Kristine had given her was not only transparent but was smaller in size since Kristine was slimmer than she was. It was perfect anyway and she beamed to herself. Just from the mere thought of finally having Lord Lansbury excited her and she could feel herself getting moist already. She hoped he'd be please with what he saw when he arrived, although, she didn't know his taste in women and she didn't really think that mattered.

She turned at the sound of the door opening and suppressed a smile as she beheld Lord Lansbury. He was dressed in a robe and she could just about guess that he was naked underneath it.

"Lady Marla." He acknowledged her with a curt nod as he sauntered further into the room towards her.

"I thought you'd chosen to keep me waiting all day." She said in a sultry voice.

"I was quite busy." He answered. "My sister brought this news to me and it was rather unexpected, I'd say."

"Hmmm..." She cooed and let her eyes run over the tall length of his body. "You don't find this situation, fascinating, do you?"

He pressed his lips together and answered indifferently. "I couldn't really tell the truth, could I?'

"No." She stated then took a deep sigh. "How about we get started already. I hate to be kept waiting."

"My pleasure." He said and gestured with a hand at the large four poster bed. She smiled and walked to the bed with a seductive gait.

She stopped at the foot of the bed and smiled at him. "Approach me." He obeyed without a word and when he reached her, she said again. "Now, undress me."

He took the empty goblet from her hand and tossed it over his shoulder. The cup clattered as it hit the wall and she smiled at him, admiring how feisty he was then he took the ends of the transparent and flimsy robe and simply ripped it in two, ripping it slowly off her arms until it was free from her body and he crumpled the material in his fist, closed his eyes and pressed the material to his face. She smiled, thinking he was actually sniffing her scent from the material but he was sniffing his sister.

He partially opened his eyes to see Lady Marla smiling and he tossed the robe away. He let his eyes wander all over her body. She was plump and had folds of skins along her sides and her breasts which were still full were sagging from childbirth and the obvious weight which got him wondering how her lady-in- waiting manages to wrap all that flesh in a corset so she appear less plump than she was. She had stretch marks under her abdomen, and a little growth of pubic hair that matched the colour of her hair. Her thighs were full and rubbed against each other and he could also see the stretch marks on her hips.

"You like what you see, I bet." She whispered, letting him devour her body with his eyes.

He nodded and said sarcastically. "I bet your husband does not appreciate all this fine sculpted physique of yours, which means he's such a sore loser."

Lady Marla subtly shrugged a shoulder, still smiling as she covered the small gap between them and began to slowly untie the straps of his robe, with her glazed eyes never leaving his. "Well, let's find out if the rumour about lays within is true, shall we?"

He spread his arms open to the sides and smiled wickedly. "Entertain yourself then milady."

"I would want whatever is happening between us now be kept discreet. We can't afford for anyone else to find out lest we lose face in the society..." She continued in a husky voice as she finally untied the straps and slipped her hand in to caress his chest. "Well, we all know how easy it is for a man to redeem himself before the society but it's rather otherwise for women, which I judge rather sexist and unfair." She slowly slid her hand down this chest.

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