Chapter Ten

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He kissed her intensely with a little bit of roughness and with his hands digging into her gown and squeezing her buttocks so hard that it hurt, as he held her back against the tree and she pulled back and stared at him in surprise. He noticed and subtly shrugged a shoulder. "You couldn't blame a man who's without wife yet. He's bound to misbehave before a beautiful woman." Before she could reply, he grabbed her again and continued their kiss, more bold to squeeze each buttocks the way he wished now and she reluctantly submitted herself with the thought that he must have been mutually craving for her too and couldn't control his sexual emotions now that he partially had her which meant that he must be head over heels in love with her.

After waiting on the beach on what seemed like almost half an hour, Lorraine began to grow worried and she glanced around her nervously, wondering why neither Lord Lansbury or Elizabeth had returned. Praying within her and hoping that Elizabeth was not hurt, she made up her mind and decided to go searching for them. She took the route, Lord Lansbury had taken and soon emerged in the woods through the bush, she hadn't gone far when she was suddenly startled by Elizabeth's familiar voice coming from the right.

"Hello cousin."

Lorraine, placing her hand on her chest to calm her racing heartbeat which had increased a notch, turned to look at her cousin whose skin looked flushed besides her plump and moist lips. "You scared me!" She said and withdrew her hand from her chest. "Why did you go off like that?"

"Let's just say I wandered too far and got lost, if not for Lord Lansbury, I can't tell what will have become of me." Elizabeth said sweetly with a sultry smile and exchanged knowing looks with Lord Lansbury.

Lorraine glanced from one person to the other. "Thanks for finding her, milord." She bowed her head to Lord Lansbury.

"As long as you two are on my land, you have become my responsibility." He said. "I think we have had enough fun for today, shall we return to the castle now?"

"Of course!" Elizabeth smiled and rubbed her stomach. "I'm starving! This tour was rather strength-sapping."

"After you then!" Lord Lansbury gestured towards the direction where Lorraine had come from and Elizabeth smiled and obeyed. As Lorraine was about to follow suit, he surreptitiously stopped her. "I told you to wait on the beach!" He whispered harshly.

"I'm sorry milord... but I grew weary and worried." She avoided eye contact with him since he was too close for comfort that she felt his breath on her cheek.

"One of the things, I won't tolerate is defiance. If I give you an order, even if there was an impending tsunami coming your way, I expect you to stick to my orders! Defiance does not go quite well with me!" He grated and Lorraine cowered, her head hung down. He regarded her for a while then straightened up. "I'll forgive you for this, my dear, but be wary of another occurrence." He stated and placed a hand on the small of her back and she inwardly cringed. "We shouldn't keep your cousin waiting." With this, he guided her out of the woods without another word.

They returned to the castle and by the time they reached it, they were tired and hungry. The ladies went to their rooms to get out of their riding habits and also to freshen up and don new frocks and half an hour later, they were seated to a late lunch in the dining room. Lady Kristine didn't join them and Lord Lansbury made apologies on her behalf concerning her absence for she was yet to return from town. Lady Kristine's son, Tyron joined them later and ate as little as before without a word. He openly stared at Lorraine for a while till Lord Lansbury softly chided him that it was wrong to openly stare.

He muttered an apology, took an apple as usual and exited the dining room without another word. Elizabeth continued her cheerful chatter while Lorraine halfheartedly added in one word or two in order to please Lord Lansbury since Lady Kristine had warned her earlier that her brother detested quiet people. Soon, after dessert, a draft swept into the room and it was as if evening came too fast for the sun slowly vanished to be replaced by stormy clouds. Lorraine longed for her bed and decided to feign exhaustion in order to be excused. She put her hand to her mouth and yawned softly and that got Lord Lansbury's attention.

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