Prologue- The Beginning of the End

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"Blood Traitor!" Lucius Malfoy maliciously spat with a deranged spark in his eye.
"How dare you use my family name and not just coexist but dedicate your lives to serving those filthy mudbloods!"

I looked towards my beloved father, longing for a trace of comfort and hope. But no such emotions were conveyed; only panic.

Finally he spoke, the words that everyone else around me were too afraid to say.
"You have gone crazy father- it's Azkaban and Dementors that have made you like this. Please stop," Dad was cracking into a plea now, "Stop this father, let me help you!"

"Draco!" My grandfather shouted, and if everyone hadn't been stunned to silence before they were now. As the Muggles say 'you could here a pin drop'. "I am not your father, nor are you my son. I will not acknowledged the existence of your wife or son as they are both traitors to their blood and their name. I give you this last chance to join me and the rest of my deatheaters or perish with the rest of your treturous and filthy friends."
"Don't do this father. You need help."
"No I don't! Even before the fall of the Dark Lord you know how I felt about the dirt in our world. I am here to cleanse the wizard in nation and finish our masters work. The work you were too afraid to do."

My dad was breaking now; his face cracking and the tears glistening on his bloodied face. I never knew my grandfather as he had been locked away with only Dementors for company, but my Dad had. Even though he knew what a bad man he had been to everyone including Grandma Narcissa and himself, he still fought for the image that he had some good left within. I knew he was too far gone. Lucius Malfoy was a person gone wrong just like old Voldemort. There was nothing anyone could do now.

"Fine." Draco said definantley. The single word spread a wave of energy amongst the fighters who stood with us. "There are no other options."

I felt her fingers entwine in my own and with a squeeze I turned to face her. Her crimson curls as wild as ever but a stomach-clenching smear of blood now decorated her freckles, underneath her velvet green eyes. "This is it." Her whisper may have been hoarse and weak but it gave me all the strength I will ever need. Her in one hand, my wand in the other I prepared as best I could for what I now had to face- " The War," Lucius Malfoy cried; whips of his long blond hair flying in the darkness, "will begin!"

I gather that a lot of this doesn't make much sense. A looming battle, a red - headed ally and an uncertain future. So let me take you back in time to the beginning. When I was 11 years old. To the beginning of the end.

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