Chapter 10- The Strangely Quiet Party

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My mother licked her thumb and rubbed away the remains of my breakfast from the corner of my mouth. Squirming away in embarrassment, she shook her head- releasing a little laughter- and turned to grab my father's hand and gave it an encouraging squeeze. She then grabbed a handful of floor powder and stepped foreward; the green flames swallowed her up in a split - second.

The end of the holidays was fast approaching- the beginning of second year growing nearer and nearer. I couldn't wait to start the new year- no longer one of the cute babies, which made me feel very mature and grown up. Issac's little sister, Lyra, was also starting this coming September and I was anxious to see what house she would be placed in. The Notts weren't a pure Slytherin family anymore, due to Theo marrying a Gryffindor with Hufflepuff parents; so anything could happen. The Malfoy line were also Slytherins til I came along and broke tradition- but the Zabinis still consisted of Slytherins so far, although their blood purity wasn't 100% any more as Blaise had married a half blood (Frankie Zabini). However, Jade's younger brothers Lynden and Caelum (8 and 6) still had a good chance of deflecting from their Slytherin origins.

Even though I couldn't wait to get back to Hogwarts, the holidays had been good. We went on our annual summer holiday for 2 weeks- me, Mum, Dad and Grandma- and this year we went to Italy. It was really nice there and the Muggles make the best food- we all put on quite a bit of weight!

I'd even had some friends around when we were still at home. Logan and Tobias came round mine for a sleepover and then later in the holidays I went round their's. Their house is so lovely and cosy- one of those really nice houses in a muggle area. Their mum, Emma Wheeler, was the sweetest and made sure we had everything we needed- even Scarlett wasn't as annoying as the twins had made out! Their dad came home in the evening so I met him when we were having dinner. He asked me loads of questions about what my parents did and what is was like for me growing up in the wizarding world. You'd have thought he hadn't been living with wizards and witches for almost 20 years!

I was even allowed to invite Al and Rosie over, although said she couldn't make it (it was her Dad, she had written). Even still, Al came over and although it was a little awkward at first- we soon got along just fine. Mum made us dinner and Al's mum Ginny picked him up- with only a brief conversation between the two mothers before they left. However, they put in more effort to be civilised than our father's. I didn't see Al's dad at all and my Dad was conveniently working all day.

No one could escape now though- it was time for the Weasley-Potter convention. Mum and Dad had consequently had an argument over it of course. I overheard Dad going on about how he wouldn't be welcome and he didn't want them all the judge me but Mum stood her ground and finally won- even though she was a bit anxious about the situation herself. But there was no backing out now; we were on our way through the floo network and to whatever held beyond.

Swiftly, I arrived to join Mum in a big room filled with people- the majority with a fiery mop upon their heads. Dad followed shortly after, bumping into me slightly, but he caught my shoulder and gave it a squeeze. His face had gone paler than normal; Dad wasn't the most sociable person so a room filled with strangers was quite nerving for him- especially as the ones he did know wouldn't be the most friendly towards him. I wasn't meant to know that though.

I had half expected everyone to turn around and stare at us, but most people had carried on with their conversations; the only exceptions were a few odd glances and whispers. Hermione soon stopped that as she bounded over and greeted my parents. Rosie and Al came behind her shortly after and rushed off with them- happy to escape before I got mixed in the boring grown up chatter.

"Wasn't sure you were going to come,"
Al confessed as we walked and talked til we were in the garden. "Neither did I but Mum managed to drag Dad along," I joked as we made our way over to the food table. "Have you asked him them," Rosie said before shoving a handful of crisps into her mouth. "No," I stated, beginning to nibble my lip slightly. "I'm going to but just haven't found the right time yet."
"Rubbish," Al declared, knowing fully well what I was like, "You've just got to do it Scorp. Do it when you get back from the party later. Before the holiday ends." I nodded in agreement- feeling a surge of encouragement from my friends- just the determination I needed to ask my Dad about the truth. We then grabbed the last few snacks from the table and made our way over to the rest of the kids- Al and Rosie introducing me to the hoards of cousins that they had grown up with.

The day went a lot better than expected. Mum and Dad soon settled in and after we had all had a tough questioning from Molly Weasley (the obvious head of the family) and an approved thumbs up- we were welcomed by the rest of the Weasley clan and their friends. I hung out with Al and Rosie and some of the others but with only a little incident from dumb and dumber (what Rosie liked to call Fred and James) the party was pretty non-eventful for a Weasley gathering, as I was told. However, a certain Ron Weasley wasn't so comfortable with having the Malfoys in his family home- and after a few firewiskeys, it was soon made apparent.

Remarkably, Dad and Harry were in deep conversation about Quidditch, I think, when Rosie's dad strolled over- an essence of arragance controlling his demeanor. "What are you talking about," Ron interupted my Dad midsentance- causing my Dad to go bright red and clam up. "Er, playing quidditch when we were at Hogwarts."
"You know Ron, our childish competitive spirits when trying to beat Ma- Draco and the Slytherins." Harry spoke- helping out Dad who relaxed a little as the Ron's attention shifted off him. "Yeah, thrashing Malfoy and the rest of the slimy Slytherins was always a prority." Ron laughed rather cruelly as he slapped Harry on the back- it may have been a friendly manner but it still made the man with rounded glasses wince. Everyone had stopped their current conversations and turned to watch- something exciting was bound to happen. "Though your son isn't Slytherin is he like the rest of you Malfoys. A Hufflepuff; that's messing around with my daughter." At that comment a commotion stirred as everyone began to whisper. "Dad," Rosie glared at her father a crimson rush slowly creeping up cheeks. However, my own father was now far from embarrassed- rage was glazing over his eyes and I covered my eyes with hands- not bearing to watch.

"So what if my son is a Hufflepuff. He's not messing around with your daughter and he'd still be a brilliant Quidditch player no matter what house he's in." The tension could be felt across the room as my father spoke rather cooly- not shouting like you would expect. Mum- who had been talking in French with a blonde lady at the time- looked over worriedly but there wasn't much she could do. "Prove it then" Ron challenged my father standing as tall as he could- though still not reaching the height of Dad's lanky figure. "Ron." Hermione warned her husband but he ignored it as he continued, "A Quidditch match. You and your son versus me and my daughter. First team to 100 points wins."
"What's the prize?" Dad asked calmly but fierce.
"Pride." Ron's short answer persuaded my father as he took out my hand.
"Deal." They shook hands whilst dismissing calls from their rather angry wives.

Me and Rosie glanced at one another- an embarrassed and scared look creased across her face. Something told me that this strangely quiet party was going to take a turn for the worst.

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