Be Careful What You Snoop For Part 1

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prompt- yvonne & toby just started seeing each other. she goes over to his house to hang out, he goes to find a movie from his room. while he's gone she see's that his laptop is open and (being the nosey bitch im assuming she will be) she looks through his stuff and finds several videos of toby and spencer having sex back from when they were dating.

Toby was finishing up his uniform for his shift.

"You sure it's okay if I hang out here and use your computer to work on my history paper?" Yvonne asked tossing her hair. She was wearing yoga pants and a tank top.

"I'm positive" he said kissing her. He left with his bag slung over his shoulder. She laid on his bed on her stomach her feet up in the air as she took notes. She put the pen in her mouth to do some typing.

After 4 hours she was bored out of her mind and she wasn't even close to done. She sighed as her phone buzzed. It was her bestie Madison.

"Hey Mads" she said.

"Where are you?" She asked laughingly

"I'm at his apartment, on his bed, using his computer" she said teasingly.

"Have you snooped" she asked nosily

"No, I've been working" she defended herself.

"No girl in her right mind gets left alone in her new boy toys apartment and doesn't snoop" Madison urged.

With Madison's guidance she snooped but found nothing.

"I told you he's the perfect man" she smiled.

Madison hung up and Yvonne went back to her paper. She went to open up the internet and a folder entitled "Papers" caught her eye. She clicked on it. She found several papers. History papers, French papers, English papers. They were all written by Spencer Hastings. Yvonne thought "wasn't that the name of her father's opponent's perfect daughter? Did Toby know her? He'd told her they'd gone to high school together but it was obviously more" She was about to close out of it feeling she'd invaded his privacy when her eyes ran across a folder that said "scrabble" she opened it. There was hundreds of pictures of Toby, her Toby, with Spencer! She was jealous enough that her dad and the public compared the two in polls and such but now feeling as if Toby was another contest she had to win. She was filled with jealousy and anger that Toby still had all these pictures. She looked through them pics of them cuddling and kissing and looking blissfully happy. She was a volcano ready to blow when she got to the bottom of the folder. There was another folder named "Triple Word Score" at the very bottom.

She gasped it was filled with pictures of Spencer in lingerie and naked. She dialed Madison back.

"How's it going with Mr. Perfect?" She teased. Yvonne sniffled.

"What's the matter?" She asked.

"I just found his spank bank" she sobbed.

"Porn?" She asked excitedly.

"Worse, his ex, from lingerie to birthday suit" she said as she scanned the pics. In some she was biting her lip, squeezing her boobs, or touching herself.

"Honey, stop looking at that" Madison said.

Yvonne sobbed.

"There's a video too!" she cried.

"Honey, listen to me, leave that place, you've been with him such a short time, he's obviously a closet dirtbag."

She had clicked on the video.

"I can't believe I'm doing this for you" she giggled.

"It's because you love me so much" Toby's voice came from behind the camera.

One And Done: Spoby One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now