Trust (Part 5)

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"I don't need foreplay Toby" Spencer whined while Toby was in the middle of kissing her neck.

"My bedroom, my rules, Peaches" Toby said as he continued to kiss her.

"The girls are ..."

"They'll wait" Toby breathed as he trailed back to her breasts that he had already tended to.

"Toby please I don't want to be late"

"Then you better quit distracting me" Toby insisted "I want you to relax and be 100% here with me"

"You have my full and undivided attention" Spencer said as she took a deep breath relaxing against the soft mattress.

Toby rubbed his tip against Spencer's clit. Spencer whimpered writhing on the bed. Just then her phone began ringing and she could see it was Aria, no doubt calling to find out why she hadn't made it to the cafe. Spencer looked at Toby with the big brown eyes.

"I wouldn't answer that unless you want to cum while you're on the phone with Aria." He teased pushing himself inside her. "I gonna make you cum nice and fast."

Spencer wrapped her body around Toby as he pumped into her. He humped faster and Spencer could feel herself being pushed to the edge.

"Tell me I'm the only one" Toby demanded.

"You're the only one" Spencer panted "you're the only......oh yes!....right there....make me cum"

"Right!!!!" Spencer shrieked as the intense orgasm over took her.

Toby moaned and grunted as he let go inside of her.

When Spencer had finally calmed she stood and began dressing.

"When you come over tonight you're turning off your phone completely."

"Who says I'm coming over tonight?" She teased

"Don't make me give you a reason to want to come back here" Toby threatened "two fingers and you'll be thinking about me all afternoon."

"I'll see you tonight" she said kissing him deeply. Spencer desperately wanted to curl up next to Toby and sleep but she had promised the girls a lunch date.

"Spencer, what the hell?" Hanna yelled as Spencer walked into The Grill.

"Sorry, I was helping my mom and lost track of time." She lied. It was handy working for her mom so as now she always had an alibi for being with Toby.

"I feel like that's all you ever do now. You're mom seriously needs to cut you some slack." Aria said taking a sip of her soda.

"I know" Spencer said hanging her head. She hated lying to her friends but she desperately wanted to keep her and Toby a secret. "It's good experience for me though."

The girls were about halfway through lunch when Cheyenne, a girl they'd gone to high school with walked over to their table.

"Hey Cheyenne" Hanna beamed.

She and Hanna had been pretty close but Cheyenne had always been a bit too ditzy for Spencer's liking.

Cheyenne took a seat with the girls and after a few minutes they could tell she was upset by something.

"What's wrong" Hanna asked placing a hand on her shoulder.

"My boyfriend and I broke up" she sighed "I could really use a "one hit wonder" to make me feel better."

"Oh well I don't know of anyone off hand" Hanna said blushing.

"You're friends with Toby Cavanaugh, aren't you?" Cheyenne asked coyly "I've heard the rumors about him. He'd be perfect."

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