Spencer and Toby Eloped?

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For those of you Spoby shippers who may or may not have heard, Hanna spilled the beans to Mona in "The Perfectionists" That Spencer and Toby had run off and eloped with out telling a soul. So I decided to write a little one shot about their elopement and their friends reactions. I'll probably be writing a sequel to it shortly.

"Do you think I'm packing too much?" Spencer asked as she zipped up her third suitcase.

"I've learned not to answer those types of questions" Toby quipped.

"We're going to Europe for a whole month Toby," Spencer complained "you don't want me to run out of clothes do you?"

A devilish smile crossed Toby's face and Spencer balled up a pair of panties that hadn't made it into the suitcase and threw them at him.

"I also know that your father raised the credit limit on both your credit cards so you can probably afford to leave some room for your acquisitions."

"Well you can't be serious with that duffel bag, you're gonna need more than that."

"I pack light, I always have." Toby teased.

"I bet you forgot something." Spencer shot back.

"Nope, and even if I did, there's nothing I need that I won't be able to get wherever we go."

"Do you think I forgot something?" Spencer asked double checking her list. "I packed everything on the list."

"Then I'm sure you have everything" Toby said grabbing the notepad, knowing Spencer would unpack and repack all three suitcases if she wasn't positive that she'd packed everything.

Toby scanned the list three times before speaking

"You forgot to put birth control on your list." He said handing the notepad back to her. When Spencer didn't dart over to the night stand where she kept the package of pills she took religiously, Toby knew it hadn't been an error.

"Spencer" Toby drew out her name accusatorially.

Spencer bit her lip before speaking.

"We talked about me going off my birth control..."

"And we agreed we would wait until we were married." Toby reminded her.

"You and my father agreed, I didn't get much of a say." She huffed "were basically married. How is "living in sin" ok but being pregnant out of wedlock not."

"You know how your parents feel about this. How I feel about this."

"You didn't have a problem last night"

"This isn't about sex" Toby huffed "this is about the proper way to bring a child into the world."

"Well I just thought this condo seemed a little big and empty and maybe a baby would make it feel homier."

"When we get back from our trip, maybe we'll get a puppy."

"I don't want a puppy" Spencer grumbled as Toby's phone rang "I want a baby"

"Well I'm going out of town, and I was hoping to see the site before I left" Toby told whomever was on the phone "I can be there in less than hour"

Toby pulled his sneakers on as he hung up the phone.

"I gotta go look at this site for work, shouldn't take long."

"Toby, how long are you gonna keep doing this?"

"Doing what?" Toby asked with his most innocent face.

"Pretending you're going to work, when really you're going to look at a plot of land for our new house."

One And Done: Spoby One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now