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Teeko finally gave up on banging and kicking at the trailer. He was worn out, upset and confused wo why these creatures, known as humans, would take him away from home. Calling out to his herd for the last time, he heard them reply and perked his ears forward. Once again Teeko kicked and banged at the trailer's door, hoping it would budge and open.


Hours went by, or what it seemed like Teeko stood in the trailer worn out, and home sick.  The cowboy whom was driving the truck finally came to a hault and backed up into a round pen with eight foot high fences. Teeko curiously looked around, and snorted in the new scents. Yes there was other horses, but there was also the smell of human. Nothing smelled natrual to him, and he panicked alittle. Soon enough the trailer doors opened up and loud banging started on the sides of the trailer. Frightened and irritated from the noise, Teeko charged forward thinking it was his way home. Coming to a complete stop, Teeko raced around the round pen confused. The trailer left and the gate was closed.

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