Chapter 1: A Deal With the Devil.

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Have you ever taken time out of your night to step onto your back porch,find a quiet spot,and simply look up to the sky and take in the stars?You know,star gaze?See how many pictures you can make out of the patterns they're in?Sometimes they don't really make the shapes you see,and most of the time if you try to show another person your self-made-constellation they wont see how pretty it is to you;they might not even see it at all.But you see it,and you love it.Kind of like people,I suppose. You look,and you look,and you gaze,and finally you find someone you find perfect and wonderful in every way;even if someone else who's noticed them doesn't see them in the same way you do,they're still stunning in your eyes.

How often are we the gazer,and how often are we the person who cannot seem to see the self-made-constellation?I guess it's a mixture of the two most of the time,huh?Either way,we interact with people on the daily,but some can make bigger impacts than others;just like the stars.The difference between the Sun and the North Star.

That's where I come in!I'm Carlin,and I am a North Star,while everyone else around me is a      burning Sun,out shining me 24/7,even when it's dark and you cant see them and I'm the only one there,burning through the fog,they're still there and still flaming. I mean,I don't mind it in the slightest;I'm  used to it,actually. I'm a creacher of modesty,never really standing in the spotlight until told to.

After all,what's the need to do that in a town like mine? A town with two schools (An Elementary and a High School.) four stop lights,and three fast food joints,doesn't leave much for spot lighting anyways,does it? Of course not. So my dream?To get out!To do something with my life!To go to college,to get a job,to start a family,and eventually die a paper cut out like the rest of was,after all,the only dream I could possibly reach.And I was only two years away from making my dreams reality...but that was about to get a monkey wrench thrown in it...

It was Thursday,the last day of the week since Friday was a teachers work day(Praise the Lord) and Monday was Labor day,so a four day weekend was just in sight as I walked down the sidewalk home from school two hours late.Cheer practice always kept me stuck inside our little cinder block prison longer than necessary on Thursdays(As well as Tuesdays.) But finally,I was free for four days and was given the liberty to do whatever I like...which was nothing,really.

I stuck my hands in my hoodie pockets as the wind blew leaves down from the trees to sweep around my feet in a whirl wind,causing a small smile to grace my lips. Unnaturally cold for August in these parts,and I liked it. Sweater Whether is what I live for,really.

Before I could get out of eye-shot of the school,I could hear the crunch of leaves being torn apart by tires coming from behind me.I turned my head to see a familiar blue Volvo cruise up behind me,slowly coming to a stop beside me so that the drivers window was right next to me.

"Hey,"The blonde haired,blue eyed driver sung as she stuck her head out of the open window,"need a ride?"

"It's my car!"I said in astonishment,searching my pockets for my key ring that I soon noticed wasn't there.Shocker.

"I nicked the keys from your locker earlier as a joke,but I didn't feel like finishing our run so I took a detour to your house and picked up this little beauty,"She patted the dark steering wheel and flashed me a stunningly white smile.

"Coach is going to bench you again if you keep pulling stunts like that."

"Nah,he wont care.I'm the fastest runner he's got;he can't bench me or he'd be a downright idiot."

"I never got the point of track,"I mumbled,shaking my head and stepping down off the sidewalk to stalk my way around the front of the car and over to the passenger side door,"I mean,why run if you're not really going anywhere?"

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