Chapter 8: The Queen of Awkward.

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The rest of the day was somewhat awkward as we waited for three thirty to roll around so we could head out to where ever in the heck it was we were going. Harry and I stayed on opposite sides of the room for the most part,just to be sure we kept the "Messing around" to a minimum to be safe.

I just sat there,playing with the hem of my shirt as I laid upside-down on the sofa,my feet flung over the back of it,"Does anyone at least have their ipod?" I asked,getting sick of the silence.

Niall pulled his out without saying a word and turned on Pandora.Soon enough,the soft sound of Ed Sheeran filled the room as I lip sang along with the words,still fiddling with my hem to be sure that my shirt didn't go over my head. Then I realized....why am I still in here? I promised myself to distance myself from them. Keep them out of my mind and my sight if I had too. My education was on the line and I refused to let it slip through the wires.

So,standing up,I shuffled my way over to the kitchen counter and grabbed my drink before making my way to the door of the apartment,resting my hand on the knob.

"Where are you going,Carlin?"Niall asked,causing me to turn to see all the boys faces in my direction.

"Next door.You boys come get me when its time to go.If you need anything,my cell number is on the table."I opened the door,but before I could set both feet onto the cement outside,I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I dug for it,found it,and checked my messages.

'We need you to stay!' came from an unknown number. I turned my eyes to them and shook my head,"If you need anything reasonable,text me." And with that,I moved all the way out the door and shut it softly behind me,closing out any chance of ever having them as real friends.

The events that went down earlier in the day were just by chance.I'm sure they didn't really want me as a friend; they just wanted breakfast and an assistant that would let them get away with bloody murder,which is what would have happened if I would've been suckered in. How could I allow myself to let my guard down,even if just for an instant?

As I locked my door behind me,I made my way into the bathroom to put on something a little bit more professional before it was time to leave. Long dark jeans,a plain white v-neck t-shirt with a dangling silver necklace,and dark toms shoes. It was simple,young,but still serious enough.I sighed,pacing my apartment,checking my twitter repeatedly just to keep my mind distracted.But of course my entire home page was nothing but One Direction stories/pictures/shout-outs, there no escaping it?!

Finally,three thirty rolled around and I was more than eager to get out of the apartment ASAP. I darted for the door like an excited child and raced down the steps to the little red car waiting for us. The boys were already down there,looking at me,but not saying a word.

"Ready to go?" I questioned.

"Yes."Louis said,getting in the drivers side with Harry already waiting in the passengers seat. I went ahead and slid into the back seat,followed by the rest of the lads,still not speaking to anyone but each other.So I had pissed them off; lovely.

No bother,this is how it should be. Under any other circumstances,this is how it would be. We were on the road to the studio quick as a lick as the boys discussed what was on the agenda for the night; I paid close attention to that bit so I knew what was needed of me. Nothing. Absolutely nothing was needed of me other than coffee runs so that they didn't get too tired,apparently. I could handle that.

I stared out the window,past Liam who was sitting beside me,and tried to focus on the passing trees and the occasional rain drop that would muster on the glass. The overcast sky was threatening to burst at any moment,but that didn't worry me in the slightest,as I loved rain,just hated storms...

Once we arrived at the studio,they all hopped out of the car,leaving me sitting in the middle of the back seat as if I wasn't there at all. Ignoring their coldness,I opened up the door and stepped out as well,trailing behind the large group ahead of me; horsing around and prodding at eachother fondly.I looked down as Zayn held the door open for me to step through,which I did.The studio halls were lined with pictures of famous artists they had worked with and about a dozen gold and platinum albums hung in shadow boxes.You could definitely tell that this place was high end and I felt more than out of place at the moment.

"Hey,Lou," I heard Harry greet as we turned into a small room to the right.

"Hi,Hazza.Hi,boys."A female voice replied,but I wouldn't look up to put a face to the name,"Who's this?"

"Carlin Downheart,"Louis explained who I was to the woman,so I did end up lifting my head to see her.She had purple-ish blonde hair and was wearing a stylist apron around her waist.She smiled at me and nodded.

"Well,it's nice to meet you.Did you survive the night living next to these five loons?"I nodded,offering up a small smile,"Good." Lou gave me the once-over,her eyes darting from my shoes to my hair,back down to my shoes,"Dear God,lads,what did you do to her?"

"Nothing,what do you mean?"Zayn asked,taking a seat in a spinny chair and flinging it around in a circle.

"I mean she seems so depressed!"Lou scuttled over to me and placed her hands on my shoulders.

"How can you tell?"Asked Harry.

"Because she hasn't spoken a word since you arrived."She shot a horridly cold glare up at Harry and pursed out her lips,"You should be ashamed.Here,dear,"She gestured to another chair like Zayns that sat in front of a mirror,"you sit here. Ignore the lads for awhile,aye?"

I nodded again and smiled at her,not wanting to speak up.

"No,you don't understand,this is the quietest shes been in the past 24 hours!"Niall pleaded,as I shot him a smirk in amusement.

"Nonsense,she seems like a sweetheart!Oh,and Harry,Lux is in the room a door down with Paul waiting for you."

Quick as a flash,Harry was gone again out the door and the other boys struck up another conversation amongst themselves as I half-spun in the chair,back and forth,waiting for Mrs.Coots and her inevitable scolding. I was starting to actually miss school after all of this,and I'm sure it can only get worse from here....

All for One,One for Five.(One Direction FanFic!)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang