Chapter 5: Driving Lessons in the Right Direction

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This was my favorite moment of the mornings.You know,when you are sort of in sleep limbo where the bed feels so soft,and warm,and comfortable,and you just want to stay there forever,but at the same time you know you need to get up. I love that feeling.It must be how you feel all night, but now is the only time you get to experience it fully. I just think it's the most perfect thing in the world...unless it's interrupted by the sound of the door nob jiggling up and down as if someone is trying to get in.

My eyes shot open quicker than I think they ever have in shock,until I heard voices beyond the door that I recognized completely. It was my "Bosses" coming to give me an unwelcome wake up call.

"Carlin?"I heard one of them say,"Are you in there?"

Yes,I'm in here,but I don't want you to be too.I laid still,closing my eyes again and pulling my blanket up to my nose. Maybe if I just stayed still and didn't make any noise,they would go away until they got hungry.

"We're going out to breakfast and wanted to know if you wanted to come!"Damn it.

I flung my feet over the edge of the sofa,feeling my foot land on something fluffy,I looked down to see my teddy bear on the floor. I must have pushed her off during the night. Feeling bad,I picked her up and cuddled her close to my chest as I extended myself up until I was standing fully.

"I'm coming,I'm coming."I slowly made my way over to the door before unchaining it and opening it to revile the entire boy band huddled in front of my door,clothes and smiles on,ready to go,"What?"

"Goodmorning,sunshine!"Louis chimed,grinning from ear to ear.

"Goodmorning,dim whits!"I said back,waving,clutching my teddy with one arm and rubbing my eyes with another.

"Did we wake you up?"

I sighed,nodding slightly and yawning,"I'll live though.Now,where did you say we were going?"

"To breakfast!"Niall shouted like an excited child.

"Out?Wont we get,like,mobbed or something?"I asked,leaning against the door frame.

"Nah,it's a small place a few miles out.No one's ever there,and we've gone every morning in the past four days."Zayn commented,fiddling with the collar of his jacket.

"Have you,now?" They all nodded,causing me to chuckle slightly before pushing myself upright,"Well,I've got to get ready.You can come in,if ya like."

They all obliged as I padded my way back into the room,bare feet softly tickling the carpet below me.I set teddy down on the sofa as I picked my duffle up again and slung it over my shoulder,"I'll be out in a bit."

"That's what they all say,"Harry said,chuckling to himself ,picking up my teddy bear and looking at it fondly.I stuck my tongue out at him behind his back before turning on my heel and making my way to the bathroom,where ever that was. After trying a few doors,I finally found it and flicked on the light. Looking at myself in the mirror,I automatically felt my heart drop. I might have beautiful thoughts from time to time,but my face was no reflection. My over-sized green eyes hooded by my somewhat thick eyebrows,mixed with my little nose dotted with freckles 

 looked as if I was a mix-and-match Mrs.Potato head that a confused little kid put together.I sighed,extracting my make-up bag and pulling out all my supplies to try and help myself a little. After I was done applying the gunk that I despise,I undressed myself down to my underwear and,again,looked at myself in the mirror and was,again,disappointed. My hourglass figure that most girls would kill for,was murdered by my lack of breasts,wide thighs,and shortness.I also took appoint of my jetted collar bones that stuck out like a sore thumb on my pale body. Running my hands along myself,I sighed.The sooner I got this mess covered up,the better.I pulled on a pair of dark jeans with a loose fitting navy Holister shirt along with my hightop converse and black headband that I simply placed on top of my head.

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