Chapter 3:Arranged Friendship.

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It was about 10 o'clock that night when we were finally making our decent onto our destination. The flight had been nice enough,what with the isle seat and the nice flight attendant giving me a coloring book to use while we were going over the ocean to distract me from the fact that I could literally drown any second. So 12 hours and five completed coloring pages later,we made touch down.

"The men will be in a VIP room in the airport waiting to meet you."Mrs.Coots said,gathering her things from the above compartment.

"Can't it wait till morning?"I asked with a yawn.It was late,I had jet lag,and she had already informed me that I had a bed waiting for me somewhere.

"It could,but the men are anxious to meet you.Their last assistant was rather distant and when I described you to them,they seemed overwhelmed!"

"Oh,well,good for them,but I'm tired."

"With these boys,you're going to have to learn to suck it up."

"I thought they were men!"

She ignored my comment and continued her way down the narrow isles of the airplane until we were finally in the tunnel heading into the port.I took in a deep breath as we walked,my duffle over my shoulder,taking in the air. I know that its no different than the air at home,but it just felt...right.It felt right to be here,and I wasn't sure why. I suppose it was because I was finally free. Free of everything. 

The lady at the desk greeted us as we stepped through the thresh hold and into the terminal. It seemed no different than the airport we left back in Nashville,but did.Hard to explain,really,but it gave me a sense of longing for home,and hope for my future in this place.

Mrs.Coots kept walking at a brisk pace ahead of me,occasionally calling back to me to hurry up and to stop staring at every little thing. Although at one point she was walking so quickly that I had to practically sprint to keep up with her. This completely new atmosphere was getting to me and I needed to lie down.

We made a few turns down a few more halls,went in a few doors that I don't think we should have after she flashed a badge,and finally stopped outside a set of large,grey,double doors that had the words "VIP WAITING ROOM" printed across them.

"They have these things?" I wondered out loud,scanning the door.

"Listen,you must be a perfect lady around these men. No freaking out,no screaming,no fainting--"

"Why would I faint?"

Mrs.Coots looked at me annoyed as she continued,"Also their very respectful to them or your entire uni deal is out the window like,"She snapped her fingers,"that."

"Alright?Should I be worried?" I watched her face as for a moment,just a moment,it flickered away from the professional hardness.Stripped from its icy official wall,she said,"I would be."

That didn't calm my turning belly as she set her hand on the large metal handle and pulled the door open slightly,"After you,"She instructed,holding the door open for me. I stepped through the thresh hold,only to be met by a large man with a beard.

"Who are you?"He questioned in a thick,gruff voice.

"You must b-be one of the men I'm assisting?" I asked in a quivering voice as I looked at him,fear washing over me.

"Excuse me?"

"Leave her be,Paul.This is the girl I was sent to fetch."Mrs.Coots said from behind me.

Wait.Sent to fetch? So she didn't pick me?Someone else did? Oh no...maybe this IS a sex trade.Maybe it was all a hoax!OHMYGODIMGOINGTODIE!

"Oh!The Downheart girl!"


"That's right.Where are the lads?"


"They're in the room over. Niall found a snack machine in there,so they should be a while."The gruff man looked down at me with a smile,"You can take a seat if you'd like.You're five new best friends will be back in a moment." I did as he said,finding a blue chair in the corner and setting myself in it,gripping my duffle again,"So,are you a fan?"

"A fan?Fan of what?"I shifted uncomfortably in the hospital-like chair as I watched Mrs.Coots take a seat on the sofa.

"I haven't told her that bit yet,Paul."

The man called "Paul" turned to her with a questioning look,"Why not?"

"Do you really think her parents would let her come if they knew that was the case?It was the only information I kept from them."

"Kept what from them?I'm sorry,I'm confused again."I spoke up,leaning slightly towards them.

"Well you see,"Paul said,turning back to me,"the men you will be shadowing aren't like teenaged five-year-olds."

"I can handle that.Whats the big deal?"

"Well,they're..." We were interrupted by both double doors opening suddenly and hitting the walls with a slam,causing me to jump to my feet in shock,my duffle falling to the ground.

"Why in hell would they have a snack machine that only took American money in ENGLAND."One of the men who had entered the room said loudly.

"Its the English invasion reversed,I swear."Another one said.

"Calm down,we'll get something on the way home."Another.

"But I'm hungry now." Another.

Through my shock,I counted the towering three spotted me.

"Who's this?"He ran a hand through his blonde hair,his other clutching a wad of money that I suppose was what he was TRYING to put in the machine moments earlier.

"Boys,meet your new assistant."Paul said with a smirk.I couldn't speak.

"Hi,"One with curls said,"We're One Direction." 

All for One,One for Five.(One Direction FanFic!)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ