Chapter 2:No Looking Back.

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Saturday came early,sending my family and myself onto a whirl-wind of last minute preparations; which none of us were really good at. Mom was flinging pancake after pancake onto a plate that she had skillfully placed beside the stove as my father ran back and forth from the sitting room to the kitchen,gathering paper work,passports,and other legal-type papers. He was a crazy stickler for making sure everything was in its place at its time and there was no room for error; of course,he was given high praise for it in his business work.Another Sun.

Long story short,my parents were in utter insanity trying to get everything straightened out before Mrs.Coots (I found out her name to be) called us at 9.00 a.m on the dot as she had instructed in her e-mail to my father. She seemed much like my father in many ways,actually,with her analogical ways and controlling tendencies.After all,the e-mail had been immensely over-written and critically detailed,right down to the outfit I was to wear. It had to be,and I quote,"Black jeans,a professionally collared shirt with some form of comfortable but professional shoes,hair up in a practical manner,and lightly accessorized"whatever in the heck that last part meant anyways...I assume she meant a necklace and ear rings?Because that's as much as she's getting.

I ended up standing in front of my mirror at 8:55,looking myself up and down and not being happy with what I saw staring back at me...a white tank-top covered by a sheer black button-up shirt with a peter pan collar,black skinny jeans,a pair of standard converse-hightops,and I had adorned a slight bit of gold jewelry splashed on my ears and neck. I looked like a hipster...but a classy one. Not really what I was used to wearing,but if that's the way she wanted it I wasn't going to complain with a full ride to a good Uni on the line.


I applied a bit of make-up and pulled my hair back into a long pony tail that nearly reached my middle back and stared at myself critically. I often wished I could be prettier,more noticeable,or stunning like Vic. I didn't understand how she managed it,honestly,I think she must be part pixi or something.She always had a glow about her,radiating onto everything else she graced with her delicate touch. 

"Carlin! It's almost nine!"My mother called up the stairs to me,"She'll be calling any--" Brrrring.Brrrring."Wow.I'm good." I chuckled as I listened to her patter away from the bottom of the stairs and into the sitting room.

I could hear my dad answer it with his buisness-like voice sounding clearly. As he talked,I grabbed my large poka-dotted duffle bag I had gotten my freshman year of cheerleading off of my bed and slung it over my shoulder,making sure it didn't snag my pony tail. This was it,wasn't it?I was finally leaving this accursed town and heading off to bigger,better things.There were so many opportunities in front of me,and I'm only a junior!Ha!

"Yes,of course." My dad was saying as I trotted down the carpeted steps,holding the railing and wobbling slightly from the weight of my bag,"We'll have her there on time,yes.She'll be what?Yes,yes I'll tell her." 

"Momma,do I look alright?"I asked,grinning at her.

"Of course,baby,you look wonderful." I smiled up at her,like I did everyone.Being only barley 5"1 made my life difficult enough...

"Thank you,thank you.Yes,bye-bye."My dad took the phone away from his ear and pressed the End button,"Well,off we go! She said that you'll be starting as soon as you arive and to be ready and able!Are you?" He gave me that classic fatherly look that I just rolled my eyes  to.

"Yes,daddy. I'm 17,aren't I?I'm a big girl."

"I know you are,pumpkin."

My parents both got all sentimental for a moment as we all group hugged and said our goodbyes. Momma refused to drive with us to the airport,as she didn't want to cry in front of a whole terminal of people and she wanted to say her goodbyes somewhere she connected with me.

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