Chapter 4:A Long Night.

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"You're WHAT?!"I asked loudly,my face contorted with confusion and a tip of anger.

"I take it you've heard of us."The darkish one said.

Okay,little back story here.Of course I have heard of One Direction,I don't live under a rock after all,but I've never cared enough to know their names,or birthdays,or blood types, as so many others have. I have enjoyed the occasional song of theirs,but I've never illegally downloaded an entire album in their honor.

"Well,yeah,who doesn't?But...but...Mrs.Coots,I don't understand!"I whined like a child,putting a hand to my head and slicking back my hair until I reached my pony tail.

"I couldn't tell your parents;they'd never allow their daughter to go on tour--"

"TOUR?!YOU'RE TAKING ME ON BLOODY TOUR?!"I yelled,causing a few of the boys to seem rather taken back.

"I thought you were American."Number two asked.

"Not yet,"Paul interjected,"but sooner or later,yes."

"I-I c-can't believe th-this,"I stuttered out,both hands supporting the back of my head.

"Amazing,right?" Number one said.


"It wont be that hard,"Mrs.Coots said,getting up from her spot on the sofa and walking over to me caringly,"All you have to do is make sure all these boys are happy.Get them what they want,do what you can to keep them comfortable,and most importently,keep yourself out of the public eye."

"Why?"I asked.

"Why should you get them what they want?"

"No,why should I stay out of the public eye?"

"Because if one of them is seen with you--"She was interrupted by the darker one again,saying,"BOOM go the tabloids,and POOF goes your credability and privacy."

I nodded and lowered my head,picking up my duffle with one hand and hugged myself with the other.This was all too much.What would my parents think?Victory?My team?My school?I thought I was going to help a bunch of old men carry their golf clubs to hole 18 and get them oldman coffee from McDonalds and get them their readers digest in the mornings. Never had I ever thought of this to be even a possibility.

"So,"I sighed,looking up again and putting on the smile I always do when meeting someone importent,"I'm Carlin Downheart.Yourselves?"

"You don't know who we are?"

"No,number three,I don't." I gave him a look,trying to mirror my mother as best I could,which seemed like it worked.

"Well,I'm Niall,not number three."The blonde one said,"That's Zayn,"He pointed to the darker one,"Harry,"Then the curly one,"Louis,"Number one,"and Liam,"Number five.

"It's nice to meet you all.I'm sorry out."I apologized,clutching my duffle with both hands now.

"Its fine,"Harry said with a smile,"we're used to it."

I returned his smile before Paul said,"Well,we best be on our way back to the your flats.It's getting late and I'm sure Carlin has jetlag at this point." Finally,someone that understands.

Paul left the room first,followed by Mrs.Coots,then myself,before going out a back exit of the airport where we were ushered into a large black limo with all the windows tinted.It was actually quite intimidating as I'd never been in a limo before,not even for my junior prom like many of the girls had.

"We never normally get a ride like this,"Liam said,sliding in after Louis,"I suppose Uncle Simon just thought you were special."

"Simon sent this?" I asked,sliding in by Liam,across from Mrs.Coots who sat directly in front of me.I may not be extremely well versed in One Direction trivia, but I'm not stupid. I know who their Uncle Simon is.

All for One,One for Five.(One Direction FanFic!)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ