Chapter 10: Professionalism At Its Lowest.

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I approached the door with caution,knocking lightly at first and waiting in vain for a response to come from the other side of the door. None came, of course,and I knocked a second time.

"Harry?" I questioned,leaning my face close to the wood,"Harry,I'm coming in to help pack up you boys;is that alright? "Again,I got no answer from the fuming boy on the other side. I huffed and glanced back at Liam,who gestured me to go on.

I slowly turned the door knob and peaked into the white room beyond the thresh hold. The boys stuff was scattered across the floor and two beds that sat in the room; on one bed was nothing but suitcases,and on the other was none other than Harry Styles,sitting dead center of the bed and sulking at his phone.

"D'you mind if I come in to help pack up a bit?"I tried to be sweet with him,clasping my hands in front of me and putting on my best puppy-face.He nodded and I entered the room carefully,treading over a mass of clothes that I'm sure half of were not even dirty.

He hardly acknowledged me as I sat on the bed adjacent him and grabbed a blue case,placing it on my lap.I read the tag on it and turned my head to him.

"Is this yours?"

"Yeah,"Was all he said. Not so much as a glance was given to me in return for my kindness,and it seemed the other boys had retreated,going back on their promises to help me out with the packing. But I do suppose this is my job...

I grabbed a few articles of clothes from the floor and folded them up neatly before placing them into the case on my lap. I knew they were Harry's,as I'd carted most of them to the dry cleaners in the past few days...I felt like a mother at this point.

About half an hour went by of me doing this repeatedly until the case was a little more than a quarter of the way full when I could finally sense Harrys eyes on me.I tried not to act like I could tell,and continued on with what I was doing.

"You fold funny,"I looked over to see Harry focusing on my hands at work,his mouth still partly open from his words.

"My momma taught me to do it like this," I said casually,placing a pair of trousers in the corner of the case with the rest,"you can fit more stuff in this way.See?"

The curly haired boy climbed off the bed he was sitting on and made his way over mine,sitting across from me and watched me silently. I felt like a hiker,crooking her finger at a fragile deer to come closer and trust me in the midst of nature. "It's easy."I proceeded to show him how to fold the way I had been before handing him a shirt so he could try himself.

"Like this?" He asked,like a small child seeking praise for a work of art he'd done all on his own.

"Good job," He smiled slightly as he placed it carefully atop the rest of the fabric. I smiled in return before glancing to the sheets.

"Harry,I want to apologize for earlier." His green eyes locked with mine in a sad way; I looked back down quickly,"I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions to quickly..."

"No,it was my fault.I was being an arse.." I nodded slightly in agreement jokingly,earning a chuckle out of him. 

"But honestly,let's just put this all aside. Business friendship or not,we're going to be seeing a lot of each other and we may as well not be at each others throats all the time.Deal?" I held out my hand to him. He was hesitant for a moment,but took my hand none the less,shaking it slightly. I grinned at him,assuring him that I meant it honest,and I hope he caught on to that,"Now,help me out here! The rest of your damn band left me at it myself!" He laughed and picked up a red case from the floor and set it in his own lap,beginning to fold the way I had just showed him and packing neatly and proudly to himself.

We kept each other company as we packed and cleaned up; singing old hits out of key, throwing pillows at one another,and making dumb jokes about the most random things. It was actually...enjoyable? Did I have the Harry I had first met back? The Harry I got on so well with from the start? The Harry I thought could make me feel at home,even if just for a moment? That Harry?

"Stop being so thirsty and go get a coke,for goodness sake! "He shouted as I finished singing Blured Lines by Robin Thicke for the third time to just get on his nerves.

"Alright,alright,I'll be right back."I stood up from the bed and walked out of the room crossed the sitting area into the kitchen were Zayn and Louis sat comfortably on the island counter,sipping on a bear and watching me with a smirk,"What'd got you two so smug?"

"Nothin',"Zayn said,hopping down from his spot,"we're just listening to you and Harry in there being all buddy buddy again. "He wiggled his eyebrows at me as I bent over to grab two coke cans out of the fridge.

"Shut up,Malik,we're just easing the boredom until we are through packing. "I stood up again and locked eyes with Louis.I could tell what he was trying to say as he looked at me. A clear 'please don't hurt him' rang in his expression,and I understood completely. Simply nodding at him,I made my way back into the bedroom,tossing the can at Harry who caught it swiftly.

"Here you go,dickhead." He laughed as I sat back down in front of him,admiring our work,nearly completed,"We've done good."

"Yes,yes we have." We touched our coke cans to each other and took a sip,giggling to our selves. 

Together,we got shit done;that was for sure. And we had fun doing it,which was a perk! I suppose I couldn't deny that I had a great desire to get closer to Harry in a friendly,but I really didn't want it to be obvious. Professional. I must remain professional. For their sake,and mine.  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2013 ⏰

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