Chapter 6: Flirtationship-Busted.

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We decided that Louis should drive the rest of the way until we found a McDonalds and ordered through the drive through,exactly two minutes before they stopped serving breakfast. We ended up just eating on the way back to the flats and radio surfing and laughing every time we landed on one of their songs.

"I want you to hit the pedal,heavy metal,show me you care!" The radio blared as we drove.

"Unless you're Carlin,because she takes those terms laterally!"Liam sang,causing us all to burst out into a fit of laughter.

"You lads aren't as bad as I thought,"I said,propping my feet up on the dash and taking another bite out of my hashbrown.

"What,did you think we were evil super villains or something?"Zayn asked,snatching the bag away from Harry again.

"No,I just didn't think this job would be any fun.I thought I'd be the only one making coffee runs; not all of us having a party on the way." In the rear view mirror,I could see the four boys in the back giving each other satisfied smiles and nods. Had they ment for this to happen?Had they ment for all of us to bond through driving and laughing?Maybe that's why they invited me to breakfast in the first place.

We pulled back into the parking lot sooner than I had hoped we would,and before I could blink an eye,we were all filing out of the car,crumpled bags and giant soda cups  clutched to each of our chests.

"Good gracious,we could've fed a family with all this junk!"

"We just did." Was all Harry said as he turned to start walking back up to the hallways.I smiled to him as he retreated before falling into step beside Liam,following the group up the stairs.

Louis silently unlocked the door and we all filed through,depositing the leftovers and drinks onto the kitchen counter. 

"Now what,lads?"Niall asked,leaning against the marble top and eyeing the rest of us.

"Well,Mrs.Coots is coming by at noon to check up on me."

"In that case lets trash the house,set fire to the car, and go buy three puppies!" Harry shouted,throwing his hands in the air.

"You'd sabotage my job?"

"If it was fun,"He gave me a smirk before walking past me to lean against the sofa in the next room over; I followed.

"Would you really,now?"

"No,you know I wouldn't do that." He said with a chuckle,throwing his head to one side.

"Really?I don't believe you."I could feel the rest of the boys behind me,clustered in the doorway to the kitchen,watching us argue.

"You don't,do you?What's a relationship without trust?"

"Who said we had any kind of relationship?"

"Who said we didn't?"

I wasn't sure what to say at this point,as I stood unnaturally close to him,his eyes looking down at me,both our greens meshing into one. The look in his eyes was that of confusion,friendliness,and amusement. He was teasing me,and I could tell from that moment that our friendship would be one of those that consistent of non-serious flirting.

He winked at me,flicking my hair off my shoulder and letting his hand linger behind my neck for a moment...and at that moment...the door opened.

"Is Carlin here?Shes not answering her do--" Mrs.Coots sentence stopped short at the sight of Harry and I,all of our heads snapping over to look at her,"Miss.Downheart?"Her lips pursed,causing a striking resemblance to Professor McGonagall from Harry Potter.


"Outside.This instant."She barked.

"This isn't what it looks like,"Harry reminded,dropping his hand to his side,"I was only messing wi--."

"This doesn't concern you,Mr.Styles.Downheart,now!"

I hung my head like a scolded puppy and shuffled my way out the door,brushing past her as quickly as I could,practically feeling the ice coming off of her,radiating from her heart that was sealed beneath an iron prison of ribs.

Once the door was closed tightly and we were alone in the hallway,the older woman rounded on me,her eyes barreling down as Harry's had,just not quite as kindly.

"When I said give them what they wanted,that is not exactly what I ment,Miss.Downheart."

"Honestly,it's not what it looks like!"I tried to defend myself,and Harry for that matter,but she didn't seem to be listening.

"Isn't it?Perhaps I wasn't clear enough in my email to your father.I said absolutely no relationships or sexual contact with any of the boys in question. They are your bosses,and not only that,you are just a child!"

"I would never--"

"Consider this your warning.Three more strikes,and you are out."

I lowered my head,excepting the fact that she would not be convinced of anything other than what she had seen,"Yes,mam."

"I'm only doing this in your best interest." After a brief moment of silence,she continued,"And remind the boys that they have a vocal practice at 4 p.m sharp.Don't be late,and I expect you to be with them."

"Yes,mam,"I repeated,"I'll tell them."

"Excellent.Good day,Carlin."

"Good day,mam."

And with that,she left with one last glance at me. As I heard the clack of her high-heels reach the bottom of the stairs,I turned and pushed the door open. I was met by five boys all being thrown back by the force of the door.

"Eves dropping is rude,didn't your mothers teach you that?"I asked,resting a hand on my hip.

"Obviously we missed that lesson."Louis commented,rubbing the spot on his elbow where the knob had hit.

That little jolt of reality reminded me that I was here for a job,not for friends. I had to get my head back into the game before I lost everything I had traveled so far for. After all,education is the key to life,right? So a few years of ignoring these boys ment a key to life.I could handle that,couldn't I?

Couldn't I? 

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