Unsung_iguess Fluff

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Jasmine sighed as she got up when she heard the doorbell ring. "Who the hell is it?" She yelled through the door.

"Damn, calm down. It's Jaden." A voice answered behind the door.

Jasmine groaned. She wasn't expecting visitors, it was the only time she had privacy to read G! Sans lemons. "Come in, idiot. The doors unlocked." She mumbled as she quickly exited out of the story she was reading, just in case Jaden took a peek.

Jaden opened the door. "'Sup." He greeted her with a sly smile. She waved her hand in a sassy way. "Nothing. I was just on Wattpad." Jasmine looked back down at her phone to silence it just in case somebody called. Jaden rolled his eyes at her tsundereness. And her outfit.

"What?" She scowled to him.

The "harem-protag" smirked. "It's just what you're wearing. Jesus, I thought you were more decent than that!" He teased.

Jasmine was wearing an extremely short skirt, nothing but underwear underneath, and a t-shirt that showed just enough skin for it to be too much. She blushed a dark red. "Y-you... SH-SHUT UP!"

Jaden's smirk grew wider. Jasmine's angered expression turned into a furious one. "PERVERT!" She growled to him. "If you're going to act like that, get out of my damn apartment!"

"Oh, that," Jaden's sly smirk faded into a boring expression. "I have to stay here for the night. Mom and Dad went somewhere. Probably a date or something without telling me." He scrunched up his face.

"When did I say you could?" She barked in his face. "When you let me in." Jaden fakely bit back. Which was a bad idea.

Accidentally, his lips landed on her's, with a small bite at the tip of her lower lip.

Jasmine was damned sinful tomato.

Jaden tried playing it off after backing his face off of her. "Haha, you're red as hell." He failed at playing it off though, due to him blushing also.

Jasmine gave a large, menacing growl. Jaden yelped a bit. "J-Jazz--"

She immediately pinned him onto the couch, about to slap him. But she stopped in the middle of the act.

Jaden, on an attempt to push her off, had his hands on her breasts.

Though it seemed inhumanely possible, Jasmine's blush got even darker. She didn't move an inch, though, frozen in fear.

Jaden kind of just... Stared. He didn't know what to do in the situation.

They just stared at each other's eyes, blushing hardly.

Jasmine finally decided to pipe up. "Jaden, you're going to fucking di-- MMF!"

The "harem protagonist," not even knowing why he did, smacked his lips against her's.

Jasmine, surprised but a bit happy by the moment, kissed back.

Once they let go, Jasmine, a bit calmer now, looked down.

"You... Uh, still have your hands..." She nodded down to the hands that were still on her.

Jaden let go, but instead moved them down to her waist and kissed her again, more deeply.

He broke the kiss and let go, and nodded his head to show that she still had him pinned to the couch. Jasmine let go, still red. Jaden seemed as calm as any being could be.

Jaden turned to Jasmine. "So, what were you reading on Wattpad?"


(Hope you guys liked it...
I'm guessing AnUnsungWeirdo didn't, not sure about jadeniguess . Leave a comment or something.
I swear, this is the best fluff I have ever fucking written...
Fukukukukuku~ bye, dearies.)

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