-LinaGrey_ One-shit.

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Lina sat down on the couch, tapping at her phone out of boredom. Her waifu was asleep in their bedroom, conked out like usual.

She heard some footsteps come from the hallway, and looked behind her to see Jasmine yawning and stretching.

"Good morning, waifu." Lina waved. Jasmine nodded, covering her mouth to stifle a yawn, and then sat with her.

"Whatcha doing?" Jasmine asked, glancing at her phone.

"Eh, not much." Lina shrugged, putting her phone away.

"How was your sleep?" She asked, turning on the TV to see what was on.

"Good enough." Jasmine answered.

Lina nodded, walking over to Jasmine who was raiding the fridge.

"Ooh, chocolate!" She said, plucking it from the fridge and unwrapping a piece.

"Can I have some?" Her waifu asked.

"Nope." Jasmine shook her head and dashed to hide so Lina wouldn't try to steal it.

She ran after Jasu and managed to grab her hand.

That made Jasmine slip and fall over, yelping.

"Oops." Lina grinned in victory, taking the chocolate bar from her hand.

"You're meaaan..." Jasmine whined, getting up and brushing dust off her backside.

"Nah, you love me." Lina said deviously, giving Jasmine a small peck on the cheek before breaking off a somewhat crumb of the chocolate and handing it to Jasu.

"... Eh, true." Jasmine shrugged, returning the kiss and eating the chocolate.

-LinaCrain- _JasmineGrey_

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