Chapter 8

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We walked into my house still holding hands, and in order to avoid David yelling at me, I took us straight to my room. I threw myself on the bed.

            “So when do you work?”

            “I don’t work tomorrow, actually. I have a whole day to waste away.”


            “Why is that good?” she questioned me, sitting on the bed with my guitar.

            “Then I don’t have to say goodbye until later tomorrow.”

            “I guess so.” She set the guitar on my stomach. “Will you sing for me?”


            “Have you been working on anything?”

            “Well, there is this one song I wrote down if I can just find it.” I stood up looking for the piece of paper.

            The piece of paper I wrote on a while ago. Probably the first set of lyrics I ever wrote last year.

            “Well these lyrics I had in my head since a year ago. I just didn’t know how I wanted to sing them before.” I found the paper and unfolded it, sitting down and taking the guitar and placing it on my right thigh. I put the paper next to me. “I don’t really have any chords so right now I’m just gonna wing it.” I laughed.


            “And oh

            O-oh, o-oh, o-ooh


            I'm running my mouth

            Just like I got her

            But I surely don't

            Because she's so

            O-oh, o-oh, o-ooh

            Rock 'n roll

            And out of my league

            Is she out of my league?

            Let's hope not”

            I finished saying the verse to the song, when I realized I could finish it now.

            “Actually, Hold on. Let me make this up.”


            I strummed a chord.


            I strummed a new one.


            I strummed a third chord and began singing what came off the top of my head.


            I'm an addict

            I'm addicted to this girl

            She's got my heart tied in a knot

            And my…” I froze as I thought of what to say next. “stomach in a whirl

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