Chapter 2

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*Thank you all for reading. Though no one voted it up, i am still satisfied with the library adds! Thank you! I have a good feeling about this story. I wrote this in the nktepad of my phone. It took me 4 45 minute studyhalls but i finally managed to get it done. :) next chapter i will have a picture of Parker. ^_^. Now onto the story!!* 

*chris' POV*

"what do we do David?" hannah asked. 

I was aware as of what was going on, it was just as if i was stuck on this phrase. 

I stared forward, still mumbling the phrase. 

"umm. Oh! I know!" David got up and left.  

Hannah grabbed my hand, and tried to comfort me. 

I pulled away, saying the phrase, a bit harsher this time. Almost like hissing.  

Sarah came down the stairs. 

"Hannah, what's wrong with Chris?" she asked, her voice mixed with confusion and worry.  

"i don't know! Go get some breakfast, we'll fix him."  

Sarah sort of laughed at my sister's word choosing and went to the kitchen as David returned. 

"hopefully this works." he muttered and suddenly i felt cold. Not cold, wet?  

I snapped out of my zombie-like state to stare at my brother, blinking lots of water from my eyes. 

"why?" i asked, angrily.  

"only thing i could think of, man" he sort of chuckled. 

I ran to my room to get a change of clothes, and i looked at the time. 

"it's only 12:00pm?" i muttered to myself, "better watch some movies to pass the time." 

I mentally laughed. 

When i threw on a new, clean?, shirt i made my way downstairs to the computer. 

I began looking up songs, when i saw my dad's iPod sitting near me. 

Should i? 

I should. 

I grabbed it and put in the headphones. Without looking at the screen to see which song would come up, i hit shuffle. 

I expected some old classical stuff to start playing, 

Instead an amazing tune filled my ears. 

Looking at the screen i saw "The Beatles- Eleanor Rigby " on the top. 

I made a mental note to check em out later. 

the next song was by Bob Dylan, good stuff, dad. Good stuff.  

I liked this music. It sort of soothed my soul. 

Soothed my mind. 

Soothed my heart. 

I layed down on the couch and continued listening to this beautiful music, not realizing i had fallen asleep until Sarah woke me up. 

I unplugged my ears. 

"what?" I was mentally fixing myself before you fricken bothered me. i was kinda mad. I liked my little peace state i was in before it was ruined. 

"sorry, but it's time for lunch. Wan't anything?"  

I gave her that -whatdoyouthink- look, and lay back down, cranking up the volume on the iPod even more.  

"go away" i muttered as i closed my eyes. 

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