Chapter 3

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* Yeah so, who likes this so far? all i ask is for you to PLEASE comment. I won't write if nobody likes it. I was thinking of making this a series. who knows. ^_^. As promised, a picture of Parker is provided in the side bar. :) i hope i'm not boring you with this story, or going to fast in it.  Now onto the story!*

*Chris' POV*

Dad retired at around 2 in the morning. I neatly placed the guitar back in the case. He told me to put in my room and keep practicing the chords that were in the books. It was around four in the morning when i decided to head off to bed. I carried the case carefully up to my room. I move about swiftly, and quietly, so i didn't wake anyone.

I placed the case on the floor and somehow found my way to my bed.

I was able to push all of the clothes and books off the bed.

I removed my jeans and shirt and crawled into bed.

I wasn't going to sleep. Oh no, i couldn't sleep. My body was full of adrenaline. I accomplished so many things. And i did so many things i swore i would never do again.

I smiled, and stared at the ceiling.

I listened to the noises outside and closed my eyes, lowly humming songs in my head. When i was done i looked at the clock.


"i have to get up in an hour.." i muttered to myself. I decided to just turn on the TV and watch it.

It was about 6:40am when my dad came in after softly knocking on the door. I was laying on my stomach faced down.

"Chris! You're up already?"

"No." i groaned into my pillow. I really should've gotten that small amount of sleep,

"well you're awake... When did you go to bed?" he chuckled softly at my tired response.


"Pulled an all-nighter?" he asked. I looked over and saw him smiling.

"yeah." i said into my pillow.

"maybe i should let you sleep."

I jumped out of bed.

"no." i said quickly.

"alright, so are you okay to watch Sarah? Hannah and David are going to the mall for summer shopping and i need someone to watch her. Can i trust you?"

"yeah." i said.

"okay! Well, im heading to work early. I'll see you when i get home. I'll get home pretty early. Maybe 4:30pm. Okay?"

"yeah, yeah, yeah." i began walking down the hall. My dad followed.

"Feed Sarah breakfast when she wakes up! Don't do anything bad, or burn the house down!"

"Dad! Alright! leave!"

He nodded and left the house.

When i heard his truck pull out of the driveway i plopped down on the couch and waited for Sarah to wake up.

I let my eyes shut, and i thought i was just closing them but i guess i fell asleep. I woke up to Sarah yelling my name.

"Wha-?" i was going to ask.

"CHRIS!" she screamed. I acted on instinct.

"Sarah?" i said. I bolted upright, no longer feeling as tired as i was.

"CHRIS! I NEED YOU!" she cried.

I was searching the rooms on the first floor.

You need to actually talk. I thought to myself. The adrenaline gave me the courage. I didn't care about my depressed mood now. I cared about my little sister.

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