Chapter 4

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I awoke to blackness, i had no idea where i was. My neck was sore and as i went to grab it i realized i was tied.

I couldn't move and i could tell i was in a chair, with some sort of cloth over my eyes.

I immediately panicked. The chair started shaking and making noise as i struggled. If only i could see, i could try to get out of here.

All of a sudden, i felt hands on my shoulders. I was alarmed and began crouching like usual, but the ropes were keeping me from protecting myself.

Instead i flinched away, and began screaming.

"Jesus man, calm down. If you want to be a part of us, you have to break this touching habit that you have."

I recognized the voice, but who the hell did it belong to? My mind was a complete blank, and for a second i didn't even know my own name.

"now, let's try this again" i was alert and waiting, but the touch still surprised to me.

I did the same thing i did before, then i felt a slap in my face.

"Christofer! Do you want this or not?" the familiar voice said menacingly.

Again no words would come from my mouth, even when i opened it to plead for my life. I couldn't even nod.

"fine, we'll do this a different way"

The mysterious man grabbed my shoulders and sat on my legs. I began screaming, but then something was shoved into my mouth and it muffled my screams.

"Scream all you want. I can sit here all day." i could tell the person was smirking.

I screamed like my body was on fire. That's what it felt like when i felt an unexpected touch.

Then i quieted down, the person had gotten of me, and by the way it felt, they didn't want to.

Someone else took on a new approach and began running a hand through my hair.

"Shhh" the voice said. "i'm sick of screaming, i'd rather hear a whale die" this voice sounded more simple, almost motherly.

They pulled off the blindfold and all i saw was a shadow figure. No face or anything.

"why would you do that?" the familiar second shadow asked, pulling out something shiny and sharp-looking. "you ruined the experiment" the voice angrily spoke and then i realized the object was a knife and the shadow brought it to my chest


i woke up with sweat pouring off my face. I was breathing heavily and i was all tangled in my sheets, so i knew i must've been tossing and turning all night long.

I have never had a dream that felt so real before. Honestly, i never would dream period. If i did, i never remembered it when i woke up. The clock said 2am. I must've slept a long time.

Deciding i wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, i rolled out of bed and walked to the kitchen. When i opened the fridge, my stomach growled.

"Food." i muttered.

There wasn't much in the fridge, so i chose to make some eggs and toast.  Then i decided to make an omelet.

I got a pan from the cabinet and threw a small amount of butter in after turning on the stove.

I took out 3 eggs and broke them into a cereal bowl.

"what veggies should i put in this?" i went back to the fridge, pulling out cheese, green pepper, onion, and any other vegetable i could find that looked like it would be good in an omelet.

complex hearts (Christofer Drew ingle Fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum