Chapter 6

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I began getting nervous. My dad was home, and my mom was cooking.

"Jessi, stay here, i'll go tell my parents."

"Okay." She smiled, taking a seat in the living room.

i still had my guitar on my back and i walked into the kitchen. Talk fast, and get out of there.

"Mom?" she turned around with a gasp, i obviously startled her.

"What is it Chris?"

"I met a girl."

"Oh a girl? is she pretty? is she tall?"


"Sorry, what about a girl?"

"SHe's here."

"Oh alright, i'll make sure Sarah sets another place at the table. " With such a big family we have a table that seats 8 people, 3 on the sides, and one on each end.

"Thanks mom."

"Go hang with your friend." before i left the kitchen she yelled. "and keep you bedroom door open! I can't afford a grandchild yet."

"Mom! seriously? i'm 14."


I headed towards the living room to meet Jessi.

"All set, you now have a place at the table. Want me to show you around?"

"Yeah! that would be great!"

"obviously, we are standing in a living room."

"really? Is that what this is?" she smirked.

"oh, you're a smart one, aren't you?" i smirked back.

It was at that moment I realized I had moved forward. In fact, I moved forward so much that our foreheads were nearly touching. I was just leaning in when I heard someone on the stairs.

In an attempt to cover up what I had just been about to do, I began coughing and blushed.

Jessi did the same, but before the person reached the middle of the stairs, we began laughing at the fact that we had been interrupted.

I looked up to find Sarah walking down the stairs. Her brown hair wavy as always. Her green cast a reminder that I should have been watching her. I shouldn't have gone to sleep.

"Chris is home!" she yelled and ran over to hug me.

"Hey Sar-bear. How are you feeling?" I ruffled her hair.

"Better, I guess. I've been practicing my writing. It's actually not that bad!"

"That's awesome! High five!" she gave me one and then looked at Jessi in confusion.

"Who's this?"

"Sarah, this is my friend Jessi. Jessi, my youngest sister Sarah."

Jessi extended her hand.

"It's nice to meet you, Sarah."

"Hi!" she exclaimed and shook her hand. "If you excuse me, I need to ask mom something." she exited.

"She seems sweet."

"Yeah, she is." I then took her hand. "Now where were we?"

She began leaning into me. Was it bad that I was only an inch shorter than her? No? Okay. I am only a year younger than her.

"I believe you were showing me the living room. Then we were interrupted." she placed her arms around my neck.

I coughed.

complex hearts (Christofer Drew ingle Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now