Chapter 7

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Author's note: Okay guys! i'm sorry about the wait! I didn;t think that much time went by and then i was like OH MY GOD THE FANFIC. xD okay, so now that i'm rambling i'm going to stop and tell you thanks for waiting this long. Now onto the story!

We walked downstairs and into the dining room. ( ) 

I took my usual seat on the side near the windows in the middle seat, i motioned for Jessi to sit down next to me on my right. 

My mother walked in and extended her hand to Jessi after placing a large bowl of salad on my side of the table.(Intentional, Sarah and I are vegetarians) 

"Hello. It's nice to meet you! I'm Christofer's mom." Jessi shook her hand. 

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Ingle" 

"Please, call me Nancy. It sounds better." She offered. 

"Okay, nancy." 

My mom turned to the Kitchen and yelled through it to the studio office my brother stayed in. 

( okay, only pay attention to the first floor portion of this plan. It gives you an idea of what i'm talking about. 

The "nook" area is where their dad's office is. The family room is actually a game room. It has an easel for david if he wants it. The open space in the top left corner of the family room is a breakfast bar. 

David's "Room" is the "activities area" he has a bed, dresser, and art supplies in there, as long as a microwave, mini fridge, and a counter-top single coil stove. Plus a coffee pot. He is almost an adult. He spends most of his time in there. That's about it.) 

"David! I'm not telling you again! Get your ass in here or no food for you!" 

"I said okay!" david emerged from the doorway of the kitchen, his hands up. 

He sat down across from me, next to hannah. Sarah walked in and sat next to me. 

I spooned the salad onto my plate and took a breadstick from the basket. 

"Chris and Sarah. I made noodles with plain marinara is you want some" 

"Thanks!" i smiled. Yeah, she's more accepting of my diet now that sarah joined in. 

"Jessi, i don't know what you want. We have noodles with meat sauce or plain sauce?" 

"um, actually i'm a vegetarian. I'll have plain." 

"alright sweetie! Salad is there for you, breadsticks on the table!" 

"thank you!" 

She began placing salad on her plate as well. 

She went into the kitchen to fetch the sauce. She returned with two bowls. She placed the plain sauce by me, and the meat on the other side of the table. 

I started eating and pretty much choked on my food when my dad started talking. 

"So Chris, why is there a random girl at my dinner table?" my dad questioned. I swollowed a piece of lettuce with some water. 

"She's my friend." 

"Why is she here?" 

"Cause." i defended. 

"What is her name?" i was getting annoyed that he was talking about her like she wasn't sitting next to me. 

"Jessi" i felt the corner of my mouth turn up as i said her name. 

complex hearts (Christofer Drew ingle Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now