Chapter 5

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A/N okay guys well another chapter. i've been sitting on it for a couple days, revising, and here it is! i hope you like it! The song is Jane Doe by Never Shout Never, it's in the side bar :) okay here's the story.

I stopped running, and walked over to the girl.

"Ma'am?" She looked up, her mascara running down her face.

"Ma'am..." sitting down, i pushed away the creepy one word only feeling."Are you okay?"

She shook her head,

"No. No i'm not." she closed her eyes.

"Do need a listener? I'm a great listener." i attempted a joke.

"No i can't bother you. I don't even know you."

I put my hands up.

"Come on!" i offered.

She smiled.


I reached up absentmindedly, cleaning the black streaks from her cheeks.

She didn't even flinch at the spark created between us.

"My boyfriend, " i felt my heart tear. "he.. Well he told me i was worthless and that he can't believe he dated me." she sobbed.

"why would someone say something like that about someone as pretty as you?" i asked, the corner of her mouth turned up at my comment,

"i forgot to tell him i had work.. And i turned my phone off. So he tried calling me."

"i'm sorry."

"You saw how busy i was, right? I had no time to be on my phone. I must have made 200 dollars just from this morning until fifteen minutes ago."

"you remember me?" i just had to ask.

"Well, yeah. It's not everyday i see a boy younger than me smoking."

She chuckled.

"what makes you think i'm younger than you?"

"first of all, being a junior, i have never seen you at school. Obviously you don't go to high school"

I sighed.

"you're right. I'll be a freshman next year"

"i knew it!" she exclaimed.

Then she got sad again.

"i just can't believe he would break up with me because of that"

"it's crazy."

"was i interrupting your exercising?"

"nah, i was just clearing my mind to write a song."

"you write songs?"

"sort of"

"sing to me" she smiled. "make me feel better." as soon as she said that i had the words perfectly in my brain.

It was amazing that i could talk to this girl, and it feels like we were friends and i don't even know her.

"Okay, but first i have to ask."

"yes?" it looked like she forgot all about crying.

"Do you trust me?"

She looked like she was deep in thought. The second she mulled over the questions felt like months.

"hmm. Yes" she smiled.

Damn her smile.

I stood up, offering my hand. After helping her up, i told her to follow me.

complex hearts (Christofer Drew ingle Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now