Chapter 5

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"Hey," I said to the boys as I walked in.

"Good afternoon Madison," Liam said. I smiled at him.

Then all of a sudden I heard little screams. "Madison!" A little girl ran up to me and gave me a hug around the legs. I looked down at her, and she looked up at me.

"Hello," I said brushing her hair. She smiled. I picked her up. "Who is this cute little girl," I asked Harry.

He laughed. "This is Lux," he messed up her, already messy hair.

"Hey," she yelled at him. I laughed. He quickly glanced at me, then started to laugh too.

"Sorry," he smiled. I put her down, and she ran over to Zayn. Harry went and got me a chair, then sat in his own. Than all of a sudden Niall came in with a girl, and knew who it was.

"Maria?" She looked at me, dropped Nialls hand, and ran to me. I got up and ran to her. When we got to each other we hugged each other tightly.

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