Chapter 10

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We went to the first restaurant we saw, which actually was really good. Harry ordered for us both. What we had left over we put in a to go box for Niall. We got a taxi to bring us back because it got colder out. We shared stories about our families.

"When I was 12 or 13 I would always tell my mom and dad that I was going to move to the UK. They never believed me till I actually got a one way plane ticket." I smiled brightly. "Never regretted it." He gave me a kiss.

"You know if you ever want to go back we could go there." He smiled.

"Yeah. I know, but I'd rather not."

"Are you coming with us on our second tour?" He looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"Of course!"

"Well, we're going to go to Minnesota as soon as we get to the US."


"Yeah. Really. We all decided that it was better to go there and we wouldn't be mobbed as much as we would in Florida or New York."

"I'm not quite sure that that's true." He shook his head slightly. The car slowly came to a stop.

Harry grabbed his wallet out of his coat pocket and gave the driver €30, $40.46.

"The extra is a tip."

"Thank you sir. You guys have a great day." We got out of the taxi and walked inside. Harry put the to go box on the ground and helped me take off my jacket. He put the jacket on the rack. He quickly took off his jacket then grabbed the to go box.

"Ready to give Niall his food?" I smiled and nodded my head. We walked to the room he was in before we left.

We swung our intertwined hands high up in the air. Soon it became a competition of who could swing their arms higher. Harry was taller so he officially won, but he said that I did. I let him say that.

We finally got to the room Niall was at. Harry set the food down in front of the door, knocked, and we ran away.

I looked over my shoulder to see if Niall was following us. Harry yanked me to the right. Since I wasn't expecting it to happen I had fell. Harry caught me though.

"Careful." He smiled at me. I rubbed my arm.

"Why'd you do that?" I looked at him trying to not shed any tears. My arm really hurt.

"Sorry." He looked at my arm. "Did I make your arm hurt?" I nodded my head. "Here. Sit down." I did as I was told. He sat down behind me. He began to massage my arm. I flinched, some tears even fell out of my eyes. "I'm really sorry."

"It's alright."

"Does it feel any better?" I moved my arm around. I smiled. It didn't hurt anymore.

"Yes! Thank you!" I turned around and gave him a hug. I backed up and stood up. He smiled at my happiness. He got up too.

I gave him a kiss and held his hand.


Short but whateves. :)


One Direction Fanfic!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora