Chapter 9

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I woke up on a couch. I slowly fluttered my eyes open.

"Good morning Madison." I looked at who was talking to me. It was Zayn. He smiled at me. I felt someone shift at the other end of the couch. Zayn put a finger in front of his lips. I looked at the other end of the couch and smiled. Harry was at the other end of the couch still sleeping.

"Aww," I cooed. He flinched. My eyes widened.

"Come on. We'll let him sleep." I got up and followed Zayn.

He walked out the door and grabbed some clothes off a table by the door. "Here." He handed me the clothes. "Maria brought you some cloths to change into." He walked away and I walked to a bathroom.

Maria brought me a Red Nose Day t-shirt a and skinny jeans. I smiled and put them on.

I walked out of the bathroom and was greeted by Lux.

"Hi Madison!" She gave my legs a giant hug.

"Hi cutie." She looked up at me. She got off me and grabbed my hand.

"Come on Madison! Follow me!" I smile and did as I was told. I followed her to a door. "We've got to be quiet." She opened the door and tip toed in. I followed her. She pointed to the couch. "Niall's holding Maria," she whispered to me as if I couldn't see. I smiled at their relationship.

"What about it," I whispered to her. She looked like she was upset by it. She looked at the ground and walked out. I followed her like I was told to do before.

"Bye bye Madison." She waved to me and walked out the door with Paul.

I walked over to the hair and makeup room. Louis was in the room spinning around in a chair.

"Hey Madison." I waved at him. "Do you could help me quick?"

"Sure." He smirk an evil smirk.

"Go wake up the rest of the guys."

"Okay." I walked back out and went to find Liam.

I went in every room I could find. Of course he ended up being in the last room.

"Liam! Wake up!" He slowly woke up. When he was half awake he told me to go away. I smiled and walked over to him. "Okay, you asked for it!" I grabbed a big cup near by and filled it up with hot water. Not super hot water but not super cold water either. I held it over his head and made it drip.

The first drip landed in his hair, the second one dripped onto his nose, and then after that I just pour the whole cup of water on him. As soon as I did that I ran out of the room as fast as I could. I ran all the way to where Harry and I were sleeping.

I ran in and slammed the door. I looked at Harry. He was awake now.

"Why'd you slam the door, love?" I smiled.

"I may have just poured a glass of water on Liam." He laughed.

"Really?" I nodded my head. "Next time wake me up first, please." I smiled and nodded.

"Okay, I will." I opened the door a crack and looked out. Nobody was out there, yet. "You wanna help me wake up Niall and Maria?"

"Yeah!" You could hear that he was excited.

"We're not pouring water on their heads." I made sure he knew that.

"Okay, that's fine. I just wanna come with you." He got up and walked over by me. He gave me a quick kiss. "Is Liam out there?" He looked out the door. I shook my head.

"No." He opened the door the rest of the way.

"Let's go wake up Maria and Niall now and we should probably run, just in case Liam comes." We both stuck our heads out to see if Liam was maybe hiding.We didn't see him so we walked out the door. Harry closed it behind us.

I ran to where Niall and Maria were, Harry ran beside me. We slowly ran, holding each others hand. As we approached the door I stopped running and began to walk. I slowly opened the door. Harry looked in.

"I know how to wake up Niall." We walked in. "Niall! You want food?" I watched as Niall sat up in a flash.

"Yes! When do I not want food?" He looked at both of us. "You guys don't have any food." Harry let my hand go and walked over the mini fridge in the corner.

"Here." He tossed Niall an apple. Niall caught it and then began to eat it.

"You know you have to make food now, right," Niall asked after swallowing his apple.

"I know. I will do that as soon as we get Maria up." Niall poked Maria and she woke up.

"What," she mumbled. Niall gave her a kiss then continued to eat his apple.

"Okay. I'll go make some food." Harry grabbed my hand. I followed him and waved bye to Maria and Niall.

"What we gonna make," I asked Harry. (Maria, Madison! Don't!)

"I don't even know what we have." We stopped at a door. "Here." He put a jacket on me. "It's a bit cold out." He gave me a kiss then grabbed another jacket and put it on himself.

"Where are we going?" He winked at me and held the door open.

"We're going on the tour bus." He smiled widely. I walked out the door. He walked out after me, closing the door behind us. "Where would you like to go?" I smiled at him.

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