Chapter 13

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*Back To Madison's POV for a few chapters*

I finally convinced Harry to go to the doctors and get his leg checked out. We were already in Minnesota, so he had to go to a place that knew almost nothing about his health records. He got a X-Ray. The doctor said that his leg was broken. When the doctor asked him what happened he told him the truth.

"My friend got upset with me and in the end stepped on my leg as hard as he could." Harry smiled.

The doctor looked at me. I nodded my head 'yes'. "If you don't mind telling me, why was your friend upset?"

"I gave him our leftovers." The doctor looked at him concerned.

"Okay. You're gonna have to wear a brace for 4 to 6 weeks." Harry gave me an annoyed look. "Try not to put pressure on your leg, walking or even just setting something heavy on your legs." The doctor walked out to get a brace.

"How or what am I going to tell the fans at tomorrow's concert?" I smiled.

"You don't have to tell them. You could relax in the front row with me." He closed his eyes looking a bit more annoyed. "Besides they probably all already know." I pointed at a stack of magazines.

He picked one up and began to skim through it. He put it back. "Yep. They probably all already know." I shrugged my shoulders.

"If you want we could go visit, meet my parents. You were talking about doing that when you came to Minnesota." He thought about it for a little bit.

"Okay. Shouldn't you notify them?" I shook my head.

"Nope, they've been telling me to come over ever since we came into the U.S. They said that I can come when ever I want."


The doctor walked in with the brace and a pair of crutches. He showed Harry how the brace worked, then he showed him how to use the crutches.

After he had Harry walk around with the crutches he let us go. Harry used his crutches to take big steps.

"I'd be careful doing that in Minnesota." As if on cue, one of his crutches slipped on ice and he fell down hard. The crutch that had caused him to fall landed on the ground before he did. The other flew up in the air and fell in one of the parking spots. I tried to contain my smile and laughter. "Are you okay?" A small laugh escaped my mouth. I ran over to him, but I slipped on the ice too.

Harry bursted out in laughter. I did too, just because now it wouldn't be rude, or at least as rude.

After the small laughing fit I had, I got up and grabbed Harry's crutches. I handed them to him.

"Thanks, love." I smiled and helped him up. "How does your back feel now?"

"It actually doesn't hurt. How's yours?" He walked over to the little brick wall for the plants, sat down, and gave me his crutches. He stretched his back.

"Better now." He grinned at me. I rolled my eyes at him and gave him his crutches. He got back up and carefully walked.

I snuck up behind him and grabbed his keys out of his coat pocket.

"What are you doing?" He turned around. "Hey! Those are my keys! Give me them!" I smiled and stepped in the plants. I held them as high as I could. I held the on button so the car would turn on and be warm. "Madison, give me them!" I shook my head. "Fine." He set the crutches on the small brick wall and stepped up onto the plants.

"You're going to hurt your leg worse if you don't use your crutch," I reminded him.

"I'm gonna risk it."

"Over keys?" He nodded his head. "Fine. Here." I tossed the keys over to him. He smiled at his victory. I smiled and took the car key out of my pocket. "Shot gun!" He looked back at me and his eyes widened.

I jumped down from the little plant thing and ran to the car.

"Madison," he cried out. I looked back at him.

"I'm driving, love," I said in my best British accent. I ran to the drivers side and jumped in. I put the key in and started the car.

I watched as Harry calmly hopped over to the car. I smiled at him when he finally got over to the car. He stood there. I waited for him to open the door.

"Madison, do you think you could maybe open the door for me?"

"Oh. Sorry!" I crawled over the counsel and opened the door. He sat down and put the crutches in the backseat. We both buckled up.

"You can drive to your favorite restaurant if you'd like. It's around lunch time." A buffet popped into my head.

"Can we bring Niall and Maria with?" He looked a bit confused.


"So Niall doesn't hurt anyone, again."

"Yeah. I guess that's a good idea." I finally drove out of the parking lot and onto the road for a little bit. Once I saw the hotel the guys were staying at I drove into that parking lot. As soon as I drove in the car got surrounded by fans and paparazzi.

"Ready to limp as fast as you can?" He smiled, grabbed his crutches, and got ready.

"Ready, set, run!" He opened his door and got out. I jumped over the center council onto his seat then out the door. I quickly closed the door and ran to him. He was waiting for me half way to the hotel. I ran as fast as I could with all the people surrounding me. I caught up to him and we, more so just me, ran inside.

We both slid down the wall heavily breathing.

"Good job love." He held up his hand for a high five. I hit his hand as hard as I could. He took his hand and shook it. "Madison! That wasn't very nice! I'm gonna tell your parents!" I stuck my tongue out at him and he did it back.


"Arse," he muttered. I gasped.

"Harry!" I slapped him.

"Ow! Why'd you do that?" I got up, grabbed his crutches, and walked away. "Madison," he wined.

"I'm just going to go get Maria and Niall. I'll be back in a little bit." I used his crutches to the elevator. I pressed the 3rd floor button. I smiled at the song playing in the elevator. "But I know I won't forget her," I sung along.

'Ding!' The door slowly opened. I hopped out and went to the room the guys were staying at. I knocked on the door because I didn't have a key.

"Maria, Niall! Wanna come with and eat?" Niall ran to the door and opened it.

"Okay let's go eat." He ran over to the elevator and repeatedly pressed the button. "Come on." Maria walked down the opposite side of the hall.

"Where are we going?" I laughed.

"Where would we be going if Niall is excited to go?"

"Ah." She looked at the crutches. "You alright?" I smiled.

"They're Harrys. I took them so he can't run away... And because I wanted to play with them." What I just said sunk into my head a little more. "Don't think about it anymore than what it was actually meant." She thought about it and bursted out laughing.

Niall ran into the elevator. Maria and I calmly walked in. When the doors opened again Niall ran to the front doors. I walked over to Harry.

"See? I just went to get them." He looked up at me. He reached out his arms asking for help up. I helped him up and gave him his crutches. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah. Everyone is! Let's go!" We all watched Niall run into the crowd.

"Let's go." I held Harrys hand and Maria followed behind us. "Careful. Don't get lost." We squashed through the crowd and got in the car.

"We're coming food!" Niall was driving which may have been a bad idea.

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