Chapter 15 (Unfinished)

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"Never mind. They're probably not even home," I complained for the at least seventh time.

"Madison we just passed your moms house three times. She's home." I groaned.

"Nooo," I whined.

"Madison, just park already." I huffed loudly.

"Fine!" I parked in the driveway.

"Good Madison." He patted my head. Turtle started to come. I clenched my teeth.

"Don't touch my hair." I lifted my hands up to grab his hand. My hands curled up like it would make my nails be sharper. I made Turtle go away then dropped my hands to my side. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Okay. Let's go," I said with my eyes still closed. I heard him open his door. I opened my eyes and got out. We walked to the door. He knocked on the door. I heard my mum on the other side of the door.

"Girls! Madison's here!" I prepared myself for tight hugs. The door quickly slammed open and Taylor and Alyssa squeezed me.

"Ugh-Can't bre-breath!" Taylor let me go, backed away, and giggled. Alyssa continued to squeeze me tightly to make me mad. "Alyssa," I said warningly. She backed away whimpering and hid behind mum. Taylor tilted her head in confusion.

"Harry?" I looked at Harry and smiled. Alyssa and my mums' mouths fell open.

"Hello," Harry greeted them in his cute accent.

"Why do you have crutches," Taylor asked him quietly. He smiled and chuckled a bit.

"Niall." Her eyes grew wide.

"What did he do?" Mum invited us in. Harry told her while we walked in the house.

"We brought him leftovers and he threw a fit about it." The three of them looked at him and I. I bit my lip.

"Jeez! That's harsh." He smiled at Alyssa.

"For Niall? Not really. Especially if it's over food." I went over to the couch and sat down. Taylor, Alyssa, and mum slowly walked him to the couch. They were staring at him, listening to the story intensely. He had finally gotten to the couch and sat down next to me. Mum sat in the recliner and the girls sat on the other side of him. I leaned onto his shoulder and fell asleep. I had been at the place. I knew the story without him saying anything. It actually kinda made me upset that I knew the story.


"Madison, are you gonna come eat?" I opened my eyes. Taylor stood in front of me. Harry wasn't next to me. I stretched my arms and got up. I walked to the dinning room with Taylor. I sat down. Taylor sat next to me. Alyssa ran in from the kitchen. Harry and mum walked in with the food. Alyssa jumped into the chair across from me.

"Hello beautiful." Harry smiled at me and set down the food he carried in onto the table. I smiled back at him. "How'd you sleep?" He sat down on the other side of me. Mum sat across from him.

I looked at him. "Fine." I felt everyone staring at us. I took out my phone. Apparently my dad had tried to call me a couple of times. I swiped his call to call him back. Everyone watched me. I got up and walked back into the living room. They began to talk.

"Hello," my dad answered.

"Hi," I responded.

"Are you and your boyfriend gonna come over here?" I bit my lip.

"Or you could just come over to mums," I offered.

"I don't think Bug would want to have to go look for your mums house."

"Bug," I excitedly asked.

"Yep. She came over to see you, but since you're at mums I'll just have to tell her you're not coming." I shook my head then realized he couldn't see me shake my head.

"No! We'll be there in about half an hour."

"Okay. We'll seen you soon." He hung up. I ran into the dining room to Harry.

"We have to go," I whispered in his ear. He looked at me confused.


"Sorry for leaving so fast, but we have to go." I handed Harry his crutches and ran out the door. He said goodbye to everyone and then left. I started the car up when he walked out of the door. He put his crutches in the back seat then buckled his seat belt.

"Why are we leaving so fast?" I backed out of the driveway.

"Bug's at my dads." He didn't know who Bug was so his face was blank.

"Okay," he said slowly.

"She's another friend of mine and Marias. She moved back to Willmar in 9th grade so nobody has talked to her, like face to face."

"Oh ," he said still a bit confused. We got there in 27 minutes. I helped Harry get out of the car. We just walked in. Bug and the dogs ran to the door when we walked in. Bug gave us a tight hug.

"Hi Madison." She backed away. "And Harry," she finished confused. I smiled at her. "Harry?" She smiled. "So Niall did hurt your leg?"

"Yeah." My dad walked in.

"Harry, it's nice to finally meet you," my dad said shaking Harry's hand. He smiled.

"It's nice to meet you too sir."

"Dad, why don't you show Harry around." He nodded and began walking out of the kitchen. Harry followed.

"Turtle's still with you," Bug asked smiling. I nodded.

"I killed a little girl, and when her parents saw and talked with me the mom shot them both." She nodded.

"I saw on the news."

"Oh." We started walking out of the kitchen. "Did they show how bad it was?" Bug shook her head.

"All they showed was the house and a survivor." My eyes widened.

"What do you mean a survivor? I killed everyone in the house." I started getting louder and my voice started to shake.

"Apparently not. There was a guy on TV saying he wished it hadn't happened and that it was terrifying."

"I'm s-sure I did." Bug just shrugged her shoulders.

"Here, I can even show you." She grabbed her phone out of her pocket and got onto YouTube. "Here." She handed me the phone. I watched the video. The guy had dark brown hair, his eyes were a bit red and puffy. They said his name was Tyler

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