a/n- in the beginning.

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 || When I saw you I fell in love and you smiled because you knew ||

i have read way to many of the social media books. way to many. you gotta believe me. I've probably set a record on how many i can read in one sitting. someone call the record books. 

but honestly, I've been in love with peoples creativity recently. absolutely iN LOVE PEOPLE. i love when one person inspires another person, theres such a beauty in that. so as i sit down and write my own of precious sebby, like so many people in front of me have, i stop and think a lot more then i should. i wonder if the witty joke i just made is original? or if i should come up with my own really clever nickname for paul rudd? or if i should try and make RDJ sound more like a 50 year old man??? or does scarlet actually uses the word bitch a lot (i hope she does)?? or is chris evans actually a human marshmallow??  lemme tell you its harder then it seems coming up with all this stuff. 

saying that, I'm excited to start this, excited where its going to go. i don't have it figured out just the beginning and the conflict (thats a good place to start right?). so bare with me. 

all the manips and gifs go to their creators. they are truly awesome and i wish i could know each one of you personally.  all characters mentioned (sebastian, chris, tom, etc) belong to someone else, maybe their parents, just not me. unfortunately. and all names (bucky, steve, spiderman, etc) don't belong to me either. unfortunately. they belong to marvel, kudos to them. 

i love you all, you are very cool. thanks. xx 


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