xv ( r e a l l i f e )

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"you ready, charlie?" sebastian stuck his head into the trailer calling for the petite brunette. 

"almost, seb. come on in." 

sebastian complied, sitting down onto the small couch in the room. he caught glimpses of charlotte in the bathroom, curling her hair. 

"you don't have to get dolled up." he called, laughingly. 

"is it still cold outside?" the new york weather hadn't been the nicest, and to charlotte, the california native, it was to cold. 

"yes, i'm surprised that it isn't snowing." he teased. 

"screw you and my hair." charlotte emerged for the bathroom, "i'll be ready to go if you let me wearing your beanie." 

"your wish is my command, and the car is parked right outside." 

sebastian held the door open  as charlotte tugged her coat on. 

"thanks for taking me somewhere, sebastian." she said quietly, as he drove down the highway. 

"no problem." he gave her a cautious side glance, "you doing okay?" 

she sighed heavily, laying her head back into the seat, "i read my first tabloid about myself today. 'charlotte adams, 27 and carrying robert downey jr baby.' " 

"no way!" sebastian laughed, "that wasn't real!" 

"yes it was!" she sat up, sharing in his laughter, "i nearly died!" 

she settled back into her seat, "but its sorta weird you know? that someone would want to write trash about you, or that someone would even want to read that about you..." 

"you're not over thinking a stupid tabloid, right charlotte?" 

"maybe...maybe I'm just tired. i didnt get much sleep last night." she concluded closing her eyes. 

"do you even want to go out?" sebastian was feeling bad for asking the tired girl to lunch. 

silence meet his question. 

"don't avoid my question. i won't feel bad if you reject the lunch offer." 

"maybe just starbucks?" she lolled her head around, smiling sleepily at sebastian. 

he melted under her tired gaze, "how about starbucks and then crashing at chris's apartment. he's off set today and won't mind." 

"that sounds per-fect, seb." 

"just like you." he grinned. 

"you're full of it, you fool." 


"i'm just saying," charlotte pulled the blanket around her shoulders, "that the trolls brainwashed hans  and thats why he betrays anna at the end."  

"still don't like him." sebastian mumbled, "he's a total douche." 

they lay at opposite ends of the couch, their feet were tangled up as they lay there.

the conversation dropped off quietly as charlotte turned her eyes towards the movie screen where little mermaid played. 

"do you think..." she started, "do you think being famous will be easier as it goes on?" 

"mmmm?" sebastian started to nod off. 

"i mean will people seem nicer as i go along?" 

"are people not nice now?" 

"i just don't know how to react to being famous. heck, seb." she sat up, "i was only a walk on a year ago. no one knew my name, until it was linked with yours." 

"mrs. sebastian stan..." he winked. 

"stop it, sebastian." she whined, "how do you handle being famous?" 

"i just remember that even though your famous you can love who you want to love, kiss who you want to kiss, be who you want to be and eat whatever the hell you want. social media, the tabloids or the people out for you mistakes don't run your life, charlotte." 

charlotte fell back into the couch, "that was good, seb." 

"thank you." he said, "also, no matter what happened hang onto the things that won't change in your life. people like your family and your close friends." 

he was going to continue but she was already asleep, her fears being shushed by the man who believed in her ability to overcome the haters, even if she didn't believe it herself. 


i wrote this while i was listening to the team cap panel at WW philly. so be nice if theres any mistakes, i'll fix them later. 

the best by far was you - sebastian stanWhere stories live. Discover now