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A red-headed girl and a blonde walk through the streets of Magnolia. It's early in the morning; about 6:30 a.m. The night sky vanishes as the sunlight devours the dark sky. Birds chirp as citizens open their stores. The scarlet knight looks at the different restaurants; debating which one they should go in for their breakfast. The two have decided to have a day to relax without Gray's and Natsu's constant bickering. After a tuff, well-payed, job, the two(mostly Lucy)need a little break before jumping back to taking requests. They sky turns into a pinkish color as they both saunter into the bakery.

A small ring indicates their entrance into the small bakery. Several small, round, tables are around the store with two chairs each. The walls are a plain light yellow with decorations of flowers. A small couch decorates the corner with a small, square, table; a pot of roses adorn the said table. In the middle stands a counter with cakes and desserts galore. Behind the clear counter is a bigger display of pastries, galettes and more fill the shelves. The smell of freshly made bread fills the air as a small woman comes out of the back. "Coming!" The lady shouts as Erza and Lucy walk up to the counter, smiling. "What can I get you two lovely ladies?"

They both look at the different assortments of cakes, galettes, fritters, and possibly any dessert ever. Scarlet's mouth almost drools as her eyes land on the glorious strawberry cake. Hearfilia eyes the menu atop the counter. She exams the different smoothies, milkshakes, and dishes. "I'll take the strawberry cake, please." The old woman nods. "I'll get a vanilla milkshake." She opens the clear doors and gets a plate. "Are ya sure you ladies don't wanna a breakfast plate?" Both look at each other and shrug. "I guess we'll take two." She puts the piece of cake on the plate and gives it to Erza. "I'll be out shortly with the milkshake and breakfast plates." She goes back into what they think is the kitchen.

They find a place to sit. The table they pick is next to a window. The chairs are a fancy white with cushions. Erza puts her cake down before sitting down. Lucy sits down, sighing. "So, Erza, I think the new guild mate is interested in you~" Erza rolls her eyes at the comment. She doesn't deny it, though. It's pretty obvious that the guy has feelings for her. But, Erza doesn't know how to turn him down. Yeah he's a nice guy, but she doesn't like him that way. He already takes that place in her heart. "You can't deny it, Erza. So, do you like him?" Erza almost laughs. "Of course not! He's just a guild members. Nothing more, nothing less."

Lucy sighs. Erza has no love life whatsoever. Well, except with Jellal, but they never see each other. "Erza, please. I love the idea of you with Jellal... but..." Lucy fumbles with her words. "Yes... I know. But I can't help it." Erza mentally sighs. How can he make her feels like this? Just thinking about him makes her feel all gushy and... well... in love. Titania, queen of the fairies, bested by love. It drives her insane. How.. Just how does he do it?! Is it is looks? His personality? Erza's now deep in thought. Lucy lets her requip friend go off into her own thoughts.

The lady comes with the shake and two plates. "Here you are girls. Tell me if you need anything else." Lucy nods as Erza barely listen to what came out of her mouth. Lucy looks at Erza's dazed expression. It still surprises her how Erza is practically a different person when it comes to him. Lucy gives Erza her plate filled with food making her come out of her thoughts. The breakfast plate has an omelette and a biscuit. They silently eat as both are in their own thoughts. Several more people come in and out as the girls finish up their food. Erza savors each and every bite of her favorite dessert. The woman comes to them with the bill. They pay the amount of jewel before going back out to continue their walk.

The streets are now filled with more people. Any trace of night is now gone as the sun takes over the sky. They both make small talk about random things. "Will we go to the guild later?" Erza shrugs, "You can, I need to clean my rooms." Lucy nods, "Oh, ok. Will you be going later then?" That was a good question. Will she go to the guild? After cleaning her several rooms, she'll most likely be tired, but she still wants to go. "I'm not sure, actually." Lucy gasp, "Crap!"

"What?" Lucy covers her face with her head in stress. "I completely forgot I promise Natsu something!" Erza raises an eyebrow. Forget? Lucy would never forget something like that. "I'll make it up to you, ok?" Before Erza can protest, Lucy runs off. Erza stands there, stunned. She shakes it off and continues walking. Her mind wanders off to Jellal, again. "Why I'm I so off today!?" She scolds herself mentally. She starts for Fairy Hills. As she walks, someone bumps into her. "Watch where you're going.." Erza mumbles, continuing to walk.


She quickly turns around. No one... She lightly slaps herself. "Get a grip!" She scolds herself again. She quickly makes it to Fairy Hills and goes to her rooms. She shuts the door rather loudly, but she doesn't care. A note is left at the table. She picks it up.

Can you help me clean my room? My books are everywhere!

She sighs and looks at all her different armors. Some training should help her. But first, she needs to clean up. She quickly cleans up. Scarlet puts her armors back on display, vacuums the carpet, and cleans the windows and mirrors. Now with her room clean, she can train.

A sweaty Titania lays on the floor, tired from her extended training. She stares blankly at the sealing. Her chest rises up and down rapidly. Now would be a time for a good shower. She walks to her new private bathroom and gets a towel. She undresses, and starts the water. She takes her hair out of her pony tail before going into the cool water. Her mind goes back to the same topic she's been trying to avoid. "Uh!" She says, frustrated. Now matter how hard she tries. No matter what... she can't help but want to be next to him. She longs for his presence. She wants to hear his voice. His scarlet red tattoo and blue hair.

"Is he thinking of me?" She asks herself mentally. If only she knew. Somewhere, not that far, he wishes the same. He wants to see her, too. She finishes her shower and wraps a towel tightly around herself. She goes to her bedroom while drying her hair with another towel. She sits down on her bed, sighing. She requips into her clothes before walking out of her room to sit at the tree. She walks th the silent halls. Everyone is probably at the guild by now. She goes outside and sits in the shade of the big tree.

She hears footsteps come closer and closer. "Stop." The footsteps stop. "Show yourself." She demands as she looks around for the person sneaking up on her. "I was planning on doing that." Her heart skips a beat.


He smiles at her as he takes his hood off. "Hello, Erza." She quickly stands up; dusting off herself. "Why are you here?" He crosses his arms as he rests himself on the tree. "I had some business with your master, but I couldn't help myself to at least say hi." Pink tints Erza's cheeks. "Oh, thank you." He stands in front of Scarlet and grins. "How have you been?" She shrugs. "Okay, I guess. I've had a lot on my mind lately."

"Me too." Erza can't help but look him over, he's in his usual outfit, but has a letter in his hand. "Is that for your business with my master?" Jellal shakes his head no, "Actually this is for you. Meredy wanted to write to you and asked me to give this to you." He gives her the letter. "Thank you. Shouldn't you be going...?" Jellal nods. "Right. Well, it was nice seeing you, Erza. Why can't you come to the guild?" He starts putting back his hood. "I need to help Levy clean her room.... Wait.... I wanted to ask... Uhh..." Her cheeks flush a bright pink. "Well... You see... I wanted to remember you by something." She can feel her cheeks heat up even more with embarrassment. She wasn't even talking right! "Oh... I'll give you this." He goes closer to her. He also has a slight blush.

He hugs her. She's taken back at first, but quickly returns the favor. She loves the feeling of being in his arms. He's so warm. She hugs him tighter, not wanting the feeling to stop. She feels so protected. So safe. The feeling for Jellal is practically the same. He knows he doesn't deserve this but he just had to. He know Erza doesn't want him to let go. He doesn't either but he can't be selfish. He slowly lets go. "We'll meet again, Erza." he quickly puts on his hood and walks to the guild. Damnit Levy. She sees Levy walk up. "Hey, Erza!" She runs up to her smiling. "Thank you for helping me." Erza nods. She can still feel his arms around her. She loved the feeling.

The feeling of his embrace.

Day 2: tattoo

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