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Jellal and Meredy looks at all the shimmering stars in the sky. It's been months after the Alvarez incident. He sighs as Meredy's eyes close. He remembers when Erza got hurt making a vain pop out. He clenches his teeth. Just the thought of it makes him want to punch a wall. The other members lay close, sleeping. He relaxes. He shouldn't feel that way. He hurt Erza way more than what that bastard did to her. He lets out another sigh. He wants to see her. But, as always, he can't be so selfish. He harmed her so much. He doesn't deserve to feel this way.

Past memories of how he hurt Erza, how he caused so much destruction and pain. All those memories haunt him everyday. He wants to make it up to her. But, the best way is to stay away from her. He's darkness and she's light. They can't mix. No matter how much he longs to be with her. No matter how much he regrets all of his past actions. He just can't be with her. "Jellal?" Meredy rubs her still sleepy eyes as she looks at Jellal, confused. "Go back to sleep." She sits up, "But you looked upset. Plus, you we're talking out loud. "I was?"

Meredy wipes her face. She stretches before letting a yawn escape her mouth. "It's nothing, just go back to sleep." Meredy crosses her arms over her chest. "But you were all like 'I'm sorry, Erzaaaa.'" She giggles as Jellal turns dark red. Did he really say that? "Are you thinking about your past again? Just forget, Jellal. It's behind you." She yawns after. Jellal plays with the hem of his coat. "I can't just forget it, Meredy. It's just─"

"You can't stand thinking you hurt the woman you love?" Meredy interrupts him. "Yes, it--wait!" Meredy laughs, but not too loud to wake the others up. "You can't deny it, Jelly man!" She calls him the nick name she came up with when they first met. "Stop calling me that!" He pouts while Meredy continues to laugh at him. "As I was saying, I can't just forget it all. I hurt Erza. I don't wanna hurt her anymore, so I have to stay away from her." Meredy stops laugh and rolls her eyes at the statement. "You should be doing the opposite. Plus, I thought you said you wouldn't hide anymore."

"From the council. I'm not hiding from anyone. I'm just not physically close to Erza." Meredy slowly nods her head. "Fine, whatever. I just hope you know, the longer you stay away from her, the more you're hurting her." Meredy lays back down. "What? But..." He trains off as the playful pinkette pretends to snore. Jellal grunts, "Fine." How is he hurting Erza more? Ugh, he feels so stupid. Why does everything have to be so difficult? Somewhere else, his scarlet haired knight stays up, thinking of the same thing.

The bluenette wakes up early in the morning. Everyone's still fast asleep. He looks around for a way to leave a note for them. He gets a knife from his boot and carves into a tree. Can't blame him. There's no paper, and he doesn't have some sort of writing utensil to use. He quickly finishes before blowing on it "I've gone out to get a few things. Meredy, make sure you all stay together." Once he's satisfied with how it looks, he starts walk to his destination: Magnolia. He thought deeply about what Meredy said. "I know Erza cares for me, but is it enough for it to hurt her when I'm not with her?" He asks himself as he walks out of the forest.

Erza's eyes slowly open. She rolls in her sheets as her alarm in her communication lacrima rings. She turn it off before stretching, letting out a sigh with it. She slowly sits up. She gets out of bed and walks to the bathroom. She does her morning routine: brush her teeth, take a shower, wash her face, and requip into her armor. She goes out of her room to see her other guild mates also heading to the guild. "Good morning, Erza." Levy greets her as she walks out of her room. "Morning, Levy." They both walk together to the guild. "Have you seen Lu-chan's new hair cut? It's so cute!" Erza nods, remembering Lucy's new hair. She cut it. Everyone's been getting a new looks recently. "Also, Gray told Juvia his feelings!" Erza smiles. It's about time he told her. She's happy for her younger brother figure. "Juvia immediately accepted, of course." They walk out of fairy hills. Small talk is created about small things as they walk to the guild. "You go on. I need to check something."

Levy nods before continuing to the guild's direction. Erza heads into town to see if her cake is ready. She passes by the train station just as a train stops. Everyone plies out of the train as Erza continues to walk in the direction of the bakery. If only she knew, someone saw her. And, that someone is following her. Because her mind is too busy of thinking about the cake, she doesn't realize it. When she's almost there, someone calls her name. She trun around to see him. "Jellal!?" She quickly runs to him and takes him into a small hallway.

"Are you crazy!?" Jellal smiles at her. "I just wanted to tell you something." Erza's mad expression quickly disappears. Is it about a dark guild? Maybe about Meredy? Or... about his feelings?" Erza nods. Jellal takes a deep breath before starting, "Like I told you, I'm tired of running away. And that includes you." Scarlet's face heats up. "I don't want the past to haunt me anymore. It taunts me of how I hurt so many people, especially you." He caresses her cheek gently. Erza gladly lets him do the kind gesture. "I'm sorry if my not being with you hurt you more. The last thing I want to do is hurt you."

Erza hugs him. He gladly returns the favor. She moves to look him straight in the eye. She kisses him. He doesn't push her away. He brings her closer. He won't let anything hurt Erza anymore. That includes himself.

He won't let the past haunt him anymore.

Day 5: Home

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